My Own Way

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It was a cool Autumn morning in Lothlorien. A young woman stood in her room preparing for another day. Her long deep brown hair hung in waves around her shoulders. Her blue eyes looked a little lighter from the rising sun entering her room. Her name was Elia Melehtë, daughter of Arathorn.

Instead of the usual beautiful gowns that other women wore, she had on a pair of brown calf-high boots, light brown breeches, and a gray tunic underneath a dark purple cloak. She grabbed her black, very worn jacket off the back of a chair and rolled it up to put with her other belongings.

As she leaned over her satchel, a chain fell out from underneath her duster and tunic. It was a silver chain with a green jewel hanging from it. The jewel was small, so it wouldn't hang her up on anything if she had to escape. It had two silver snakes on its side, holding the jewel in their mouths. Connecting the snakes and the jewel was a border of vines and flowers.

Elia was about ready to leave when she heard a knock on her door. "Minno," she called out. (Enter.) The door opened reveal a man with long dark hair and matching blue eyes. Unlike her, he was dressed in black boots, black breeches, and a black tunic. This was her brother, Estel. He looked surprised as she continued to pack her things.

"Ni tenna idë aw o walwistë," he said. (I thought you had a change of mind.)

"Manan?" she asked confused. (Why?)

"Idë aw ala satya ma an nótima ae," he said. (You had not said anything for several days.)

Elia chuckled as she swung her satchel over her shoulder. "Ni anen carnen artaquetta corima i natto," she said. (I was done debating over the matter.)

"Tenna pen lenda au ámen," he said. (You have not traveled without me.)

"Ni boe par manen. Idë úva illume ea sanomë," she said. (I must learn how. You will not always be there.) Elia gave him a small smile. "Ala illi o ménë na panin iâ velicë tulwië," she said. (Not all of us are meant for great futures.) Elia touched his shoulder lightly. "Ni lélë lelta menta," she said. (I will send messages.)

Estel sighed and Elia embraced her older brother tightly. He hugged her back, resting his cheek on top of her head. Since the day she was born they were inseparable. He was always her protector even when she didn't want it. "Ea moina," he said. (Be safe.)

"Illumë," she replied. (Always.) Elia released him and grabbed her satchel off the bed. "Namárië, Hanno," she said. (Farewell, Brother.)

"Namárië, Nésa," he said. (Farwell, Sister.) With that, she walked around him and left the room. Estel watched her leave with a frown. He didn't like her decision, in fact they argued about it for days. She wanted to see what Middle Earth had to offer without her overprotective brother at her side. He asked Valar silently to watch over his sister before he left the room.

Reaching the stables, Elia smiled when she saw her horse, Belegroc, waiting patiently in his stall. "Amarië arin, mellon nin," she said softly. (Good morning, my friend.) She opened the stall door and stroked the animal's nose. "Would you like to join me on an adventure?" she asked softly. The large animal's head bobbed up and down as if he knew what she had asked. "Of course you do!" she said with a laugh as she took him out of his stall and got him ready to go.

Once Belegroc was ready, she climbed onto the mighty animal and rode away from Lotlorien.

The first week of her journey was very uneventful. She loved the forests so she did her best to stay in them since she was able to hide better in the trees.

Out of curiosity, she made her way to the White City of Gondor. When she and Belegroc made it to the top of the hill, she looked at the large field tht surrounded the city that sat at the edge of the mountains. She stroked Belegroc's neck. "Mother never mentioned how horribly this city was placed. We have a river to the right of the city and nothing but a large field surrounding the rest, and a mountain wall to block any means of escape," she said to her horse.

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