Surprising Reunions

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The journey to Edoras was long, when they climbed over one more hill, Elia was relieved to see the city on the mountain. Suddenly, she heard a grunt and looked over to see Eothain, who was completely exhausted fell off his horse. "Eothain!" Freda gasped. Elia got down and rushed over to the boy. "Is he dead?" Freda asked frantically.

"He is just fine, darling, he's just fine. He's exhausted," Elia replied.

Suddenly, a man approached them and the way he was dressed she knew it was King Theoden. "What is going on here?" Theoden asked.

"My Lord, Theoden. I have come from your of your villages, wild men and orcs are attacking Rohan," she said.

"I will send for someone to collect the children, and who you are you?" Theoden asked.

"I am called Elia, daughter of Arathorn, my lord," Elia replied.

Theoden looked surprised, but who approached them next almost made Elia fall backwards. A wizard, dressed all in white approached them. She blinked slowly and stood up. "Gandalf?" she asked.

"Lady Elia," Gandalf said with a gentle smile, "It is good to see you again."

"How..." she said in disbelief. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Gandalf held his hand out to her. "Come, there is much to explain but we must not do it where our enemies can see us," he said. Feeling overwhelmed, she took the wizard's hand and he helped her down the hill as some of Theoden's men came to retrieve the horses.

Freda held onto Elia's other hand as they were led into the city. "You died," Elia said.

"I did," Gandalf replied, "But I was sent back to complete my task here in Middle-Earth."

Elia let out a deep breath. "I do believe there are some others who will be happy to see you," Gandalf said as the doors to Meduseld opened.

Entering the room, Elia looked around and her heart skipped a beat at who she saw first. "Estel," she said, her voice thick with emotion. Aragorn rushed over and immediately embraced his sister. With a sigh of relief, she hugged her brother tightly around his shoulders.

"Are you hurt? Are you alright?" he asked, pulling back to look at her.

"I am well," she answered. Aragorn rested his hands on his sister's face. She smiled, but then Aragorn released her when he noticed her look over his shoulder. Rushing over and now the tears were falling, Elia reached Legolas and threw her arms around him. Legolas immediately caught her, holding her tight.

Legolas held onto her, burying his face into her hair. "We found your sword among the dead Uruk-Hai, we thought you were dead," he said.

Elia hugged him even tighter if it were possible. His hand rested on the back of her head as he rested his head on top of hers. "I did not know if you were alive or dead," she said sniffling softly.

"Lady Elia!" Gimli said as he walked up. Releasing her husband, Elia smiled as she embraced the dwarf. "You are the luckiest woman I have ever met to go after a party of Uruk-Hai on your own!"

"Not one of my best decisions," Elia replied with a slight laugh. Then her eyes went wide. "You said dead Uruk-Hai...Merry? Pippin?" she asked.

"They are safe with a friend," Gandalf assured her.

Legolas saw the terrified child and frowned. Elia saw Freda standing there and she grabbed a blanket. "Eowyn, bring some more blankets and food for the children," Theoden told the woman in the corner. The woman left the room and Elia approached Freda.

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