Different Directions

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Sorry for the delay in updating. A lot has been going on. Enjoy!

The days were long as they traveled West of the Misty Mountains. They stopped for an evening, Elia sat quietly staring out at the lands as her husband stood beside her, keeping watch. As she sat contently letting the cool breeze brush through her hair when a plate was held out in front of her. She looked at the plate and looked up to see Boromir.

Legolas watched out of the corner of his eye, but then Elia reached up and held the plate in her lap. "Thank you," she said.

"May I?" he asked.

"Will you be civil?" she asked.

"As I possibly can," he replied.

She gave him a slight nod and Boromir sat beside her. "I would like to start with an apology," he said. She was surprised by his words. "It is not my place to question your decisions. Your brother has approved of this union," he said.

Elia smiled a little. "I would like to have my friend back," she said.

"Well, here I am," he said.

"I am glad," she said.

She took a bite of her supper and Legolas stepped away to give them some privacy. "It looks like we can have a private conversation," he said.

"My husband is gracious when it comes to my privacy," she answered, "We have a mutual respect for each other."

"I can see that," Boromir said.

Elia pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I have to ask though, how did you two come to be?" he asked.

"It is a very long story," she said.

"We have time," Boromir said.

Elia was silent for a moment, but then she nodded her head slowly. She explained to Boromir about how they met, and how they fell in love. She decided against telling him about her inability to have children he didn't need to know. "After I left Mirkwood, and I stayed in Gondor, Legolas visited Rivendell every year hoping to see me," she said.

"He sounds quite persistent," Boromir said.

"Truthfully, I would not have him any other way," she replied.

Her eyes moved towards her husband and she could see him smirk ever so slightly. She had to scold him later for listening in on their conversation. "Does he make you happy?" he asked.

"I could not be any happier," she replied.

Boromir nodded before he set his plate aside. "I best teach the hobbits how to defend themselves," he said. With that, he stood up and grabbed his sword. "Merry, Pippin!" he called out, "Over here, lads, I would like to show you how to use your new swords."

Legolas approached his wife as she set her own empty plate aside. "Deid aníra tho deid amarth," he said. (His desires will be his fate.)

Elia raised her brow. "E nî milui," she said. (He was kind.)

"E aníra ista naman im crantha eg mela," he said. (He desires to know how I achieved your love.) The woman frowned and she looked over at Boromir as he taught the hobbits how to use their swords.

"Are you certain?" she asked.

"His eyes give him away," Legolas replied.

Before Elia could retort, Legolas looked over his shoulder and she stood up from her seat. "What is that?" Sam asked.

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