An Oath

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A few days passed and Elia could see the hobbit up and about with his friends. She smiled as she sat in her window, looking down at the four little creatures exploring Imladris. She stood up from her chaise and made her way over to her wardrobe, going through what was there. Elrond called for a council, one person and creature representing their kind. After much debate with both Aragorn and Elrond, she won a seat to represent her mother's people since Aragorn was there to represent the Rangers. There was a soft knock on the door. "Minno," she said. (Enter.) Arwen entered the room and Elia glanced at her. "Han hab bain," she said. (That dress is beautiful.)

"Hannon le," Arwen replied smiling. (Thank you.) She watched as Elia looked through her outfits. "You should consider more neutral colors, your mother's people are more simplistic with their colors," she suggested. With a nod, Elia pulled out a dress that was beige and cream colored. "I can help you with your hair," Arwen said.

"I would love that," Elia said as she went to get changed.

After changing and Arwen helped her with her hair, she was ready for that evening's council. "Where is that brother of mine?" Elia asked.

"Where he always is," Arwen replied.

"In the shrine with Shards of Narsil," Elia said.

Arwen nodded her head slowly. "He treats the shrine as though it were a prison," Elia said.

"I believe in his mind it is. My father has been heavily hinting that he should consider taking that path," Arwen said.

"I think it is because Elrond would be comforted that his daughter is married to a King than just a Dunedain Ranger," Elia said, "I do not believe Estel will ever want to pick up the King's mantle."

"He never wanted it," Arwen said.

"I believe it concerns him more now because the Ring is so near to him. Before it was just a story, now it is a reality he must face," Elia said.

Arwen sat down in a chair and Elia turned towards her. "I wish he would see that he is stronger than Isildur ever was," she said.

"I believe in time he will see that he was meant to be a King," Elia said. Elia made her way over to her window when she heard horses approaching Rivendell. There had been representatives arriving all morning, but with the next visitor Arwen saw her friend's eyes light up. "It's Legolas!" she said excitedly. The elf smiled as Elia rushed out of the room and down the stairs.

Legolas got down from his horse and his eyes immediately scanned the windows looking for a familiar face. Instead, he could hear her running up to him. He turned with his arms open just as she reached him. The impact of their bodies colliding together almost knocked him over but he quickly recovered, holding her tight. Elia felt nothing but relief as she stood in her husband's embrace. Months without any word from him, worrying that the worst had happened to him. "I was worried," she said.

"Forgive me," he said, "Sauron's forces are scattered all over Middle Earth. I could not risk contact."

Elia pulled back and moved her hands to rest on his chest. "You are here now," she said.

"I am," he replied before he leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back, never wanting to let him go.

While Legolas was getting settled in before the council, Elia had left to bring him something to eat. As she walked down the hall, she was so engrossed in her task that she didn't realize someone else was there. "Elia?" a voice called out and she stopped. She knew that voice, but at the same time it was a little unfamiliar. She was confused when she slowly turned around to face who had called her name.

Daughter of ArathornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora