Returning Home

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In Rivendell, Aragorn sat in his room with a book in his hands as he relaxed. The birds chirped, the weather was beautiful. Really, this was truly relaxing day. Then, when he looked out his window, he saw a familiar horse he hadn't seen in years. "Can it be?" he asked softly. He closed the book and left his room.

Entering the courtyard, Aragorn saw his sister for the first time in over a decade. "Elia!" he said with a smile. Elia smiled back at her brother as she dismounted from her horse.

"Suilannad, Estel," she said happily. (Greetings, Estel.)

Aragorn embraced her and she hugged him back with a huge smile on her face. She laughed as he playfully swung her around once. "Dav nin tir d, Neth," he said. (Allow me to look at you, Sister.) She stood back and Aragorn made sure she was well.

"Estel, I am fine," she insisted. He smiled as he embraced her again. She hugged him back a little tighter.

"Fifteen years is too long, you are never allowed to leave Rivendell again without me," he said, and she laughed.

"Brother, you demand the impossible," she said as he chuckled against her head.

"Where have you been?" he asked as he released her. Two elvish servants rushed over to take Belegroc away.

"All over Middle Earth. I have visited our Father's city," she said. Aragorn stopped and looked at her surprised.

"You have been to the White City?" he asked.

"I heard mother speak about it often, I was curious," she replied.

"That was dangerous, Neth," he said.

"I am aware. The fact I could see Mordor from my was intimidating," she said.

They made their way up the stairs and Arwen turned the corner. "Elia!" she said happily.

"Arwen," Elia answered, embracing her future sister-in-law.

"I knew it was a matter of time before you returned home," Arwen said.

"It has been quite the adventure, but I am looking forward to staying home," she replied.

"Arwen had your chambers ready or weeks," Aragorn said.

"I said she would return home, I just was unsure when," Arwen said.

Elia laughed a little, letting out a deep breath. "I have not seen my chambers for so long, I am unsure if I will like my old bed," she quipped as they walked thorugh the halls.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and Elia let out a shriek. "Our dear sister has returned to us!" Elrohir announced as he hugged her tightly. Elia laughed as both him and Elladen, his twin, embraced her.

"Do not crush the girl," Arwen scolded her brothers.

"We would never do such a thing," Elladen said as they released her.

"I guess I never realized how much I would be missed when I went out on my journey," Elia said.

"Of course, you were!" Elrohir said.

"We are insulted that you would think otherwise," Elladen said.

Elia shook her head slowly and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. It was a comfort to be back in the halls that she had once played in as a child. This was her home. She was born and raised in the House of Elrond. "Does Adar know she is here?" Elladen asked.

"It is Adar, he foresaw her return long before she even left," Elrohir said.

"Where is he?" Elia asked.

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