The Insecure

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It did not take long for the news about Mirkwood's Prince had given his heart to the mortal visitor. Legolas and Elia spent as much time as they possibly could when he wasn't patrolling the borders. They rode their horses along their favorite trails. Before dusk they would sometimes disappear to the clearing where they would spend as much time as possible before it grew to be too late. The Woodland Elves had never seen their Prince with such a smile on his face, but they hoped it was there to stay.

One day, Legolas was in Elia's chambers. It was one of the rare days that he was able to see her before going on patrol. He was laying on the chaise by her window when she walked over to him. "You have been very quiet today, meleth nin," she said as she laid on him. Legolas refocused his eyes and smiled softly. He reached up and reached up to stroke her cheek.

"Nothing for you to worry over," he said.

"You know I will," she answered, "What troubles you?"

Legolas was silent for a few seconds more as his mind drifted to his thoughts. "My Father," he said.

"Has he said something to you?" she asked.

"No, that is what troubles me. He has said nothing," he replied.

Elia folded her hands over his chest and rested her chin on her hands. "Maybe he accepts us?" she asked.

"I would like to believe that is the circumstance, but I know my father," he said. He looked at her and stroked her hair. "Do not let him speak with you alone," he said.

"Your father barely acknowledges my existence let alone ask to speak with me alone," she replied.

"He might," he said, "I want you to find other tasks to do while I am gone."

"What do you think he will do?" she asked.

"He will not hurt you, that I can be sure," he said. Elia leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. Their arms were around each other, and she wished they could lay like this forever. "I must go," he said.

"So soon?" she asked with a faux sad expression.

"Yes," he replied, which made her smile as she slowly got off him. Legolas sat up and stared at her. "What?"

"You are so beautiful," he replied. Elia smiled as she backed up away from him.

"You said you must go," she said.

"I must," he replied. She smiled as he approached her.

"Then why do you chase me like a predator is after its prey?" she teased.

"Maybe I am," he said. She laughed before he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her deeply and lovingly. Elia kissed him back, her arms moved around his back. She had never felt this content with her life. The way they were relaxed in each other's arms, it was as though they were meant for each other. Pulling away from their kiss, she rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat with a satisfied sigh. Legolas leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I will see you tonight," he said.

Elia tilted her head back to look up at him. "I will be waiting," she said. He gave her one more kiss before leaving her room. Once he was gone, Elia sat on the edge of her bed with a happy sigh. She couldn't recall a moment where she felt this content and happy.

She laid back on the chaise and stared out at the trees that covered the castle. It was beautiful day, despite the fact the trees hide the sun. Elia decided to get up and left her chambers to keep herself awake until her love's return.

Elia made her way outside and over to the stables. "Lenwë san rato?" Tauriel asked. (Leaving so soon?)

Elia smirked and turned around. "Allumë, n vë Mirkwood," she replied. (Never, I like Mirkwood.)

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