Three Days

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After their betrothal, it became quite obvious to Elia and Legolas that they didn't want a big affair. One morning, Elia stared at her dress that hung up on the wall. It was beautiful, with the crystals sewn into the bodice's neckline. The sleeves flowed like the rest of the dress. She stood up and reached over, holding the sleeves to examine the dress. "What are you thinking about?" Arwen asked, making her look up.

"I just want to get the ceremony over with," Elia replied, "I wish Legolas was able to return to Rivendell sooner than he can."

"From my understanding he is getting everything in order in Mirkwood so he can stay here in Rivendell for a little while longer than before," Arwen said.

"Only because if I ever returned to Mirkwood, he's worried his father will get me to leave again," Elia said. She sighed as she let the dress go. "I was such a fool to listen to him," she said as she sat on the edge of her chaise.

"I remember when King Thranduil was not always the bitter Elven King he is now," Arwen replied as she sat across from her.

"For some reason, I have a hard time believing he was anything but angry and bitter," Elia replied.

"There was a time that he did love his son, and he showed it openly," Arwen said.

Elia was silent and she could only imagine what Thranduil was like before he lost his wife. "We are not going to bring the mood down with grief," she said, "You are to be wed, and this is supposed to be a joyous time," Arwen insisted.

Elia smiled. "It is a joyous time, but I am unsure if I want it to be so...grand," she said.

Arwen was confused at Elia's words. "Not so grand?" she asked.

"I am unsure what I meant by that, I guess it is more I am self-conscious about everyone staring at me. I would rather it just be Legolas, me, you, and Estel. I just want it to be simple," Elia said. Arwen gave her a soft smile and stroked the curls out of her face. "Does that make me selfish?" Elia asked.

"No, but I think my father might be a little hurt that he would not be invited," Arwen quipped and Elia laughed.

"How could I forget him?" Elia asked with a smile, "Either way, it will be the perfect day."

"It will be," Arwen agreed, "Come, supper is probably ready." Arwen took her by the hand and they left the room.

Evening fell, Elia was on the training grounds practicing her dagger forms and skills. She moved gracefully through the yard with her daggers striking invisible opponents. She would pretend to duck and dodge her pretend attackers. She ducked at one point, striking her left foot out as though she was kicking someone's leg out from under them. She jumped back to her feet, bending backwards as though she were dodging a weapon swinging at her head.

She practiced for what felt like to her only minutes, but in reality she had been outside practicing for hours. When Elia climbed to her feet, she swung around with her left dagger and it collided in with another dagger. She stared into a familiar pair of sky blue eyes and her heart skipped a beat. "Legolas," she said breathless.

"Not quite the greeting I had in mind," Legolas quipped as they dropped their daggers to their sides. Elia sheathed her weapons and embraced him. He hugged her back, kissing the side of her head.

"You are early," she said.

"I was able to finish the tasks my father gave me a little earlier than he had planned," he said.

Elia rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "How furious was he that you were leaving again?" she asked.

"I think he has finally come to accept that we are going through with our marriage," he replied. She smiled as he hugged her a little tighter. Legolas pressed a kiss to her hair and she sighed contently.

"Let me clean up and we can spend the rest of the night together," she said, stepping out of his arms.

"I will be waiting right here," he said.

Elia gave him a quick kiss before she hurried to her room to clean up and change.

When she made her way back downstairs she had changed out of her warrior garb and was now in a light green and lilac colored dress. Legolas saw her and a hint of a smile was there. "Vanimalda," he said. (You are beautiful.)

"Hannon le," she said. (Thank you.) Legolas took her by the hand and pulled her to him. They shared another kiss, only this one was a little deeper, more passionate. Elia released his hand to move her hands along his arms. They moved up his arms and along his chest. His hands moved over her shoulders and across her back, pulling her a little closer if it were possible. When they needed oxygen, they pulled away and he rested his forehead against hers.

"You truly will be the death of me," he quipped, which made her laugh a little. He pressed kisses along her neck and Elia fought the soft moan that almost fell from her mouth.

"Meleth nin, someone can see," she said, earning a groan and pulling away.

"I can not wait until you are my wife," he said, stroking her cheek. Elia smiled and brushed her nose against his.

"Then why why?" she asked.

Legolas pulled back confused. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Why wait to get married? Who we want to be part of it is already here, I am sure Tauriel is exploring Rivendell as we speak," she replied.

Elia watched as he blinked in surprise at her suggestion. "Don't most maidens want to have a large, extravagant affair when it comes to weddings?" he asked.

"When have I ever been like other maidens?" she asked.

"This is true," he said as she moved her arms around his waist.

"I just want us to be married, I do not care if it has all the details of a large wedding. I do not want a large wedding. I just want a ceremony where it is us and the people we care about the most being there," she said.

Even after spending so much time with her, Elia still had a way of surprising him. Elia waited patiently, her head resting on his chest. "Is this what you want?" he asked.

"I just want to be your wife," she replied.

"As I want to be your husband," he said.

"Then let us plan a wedding for three days' time. We talk to those who we want there, the less everyone knows the better as I do not want word getting out," she said.

"Agreed," he said as they walked together.

Elia suddenly felt giddy and she held onto her lover's hand. "We are doing this?" she asked.

"We are," he agreed, "In three days' time I will be yours and you will be mine."

"It will be perfect," she said.

"Absolutely perfect," he agreed. Elia stopped walking and turned to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Legolas kissed her back and held her close. Three days could not come soon enough.

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