Honest with Oneself

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Another season had gone, Gilraen walked out into the stables to see Elia preparing to leave. "I will miss you," she said.

Elia gave her mother a soft smile. "As much as I want to stay, Mother, I have a matter to take care of," she said.

"I know," Gilraen said, smiling back at her. She held her daughter's face in her hands. She stroked her cheekbones with her thumbs as she stared into Elia's beautiful eyes. "I am afraid this will be the last we will see of each other," she said gently.

"Mother?" Elia asked confused.

"Do not despair, my heart," Gilraen insisted softly, "Do not disturb the path that is laid before you, for it will lead you to a great many things." Elia's smile turned shaky as she held her mother's hands. "You and your brother are my whole heart, my darling girl," she said softly. Giraen kissed her forehead, stroking her daughter's cheeks so lovingly. "Go," she whispered. Elia stepped back and pressed her palm to her heart and then held her hand out to her mother. Gilraen offered her the same gesture, watching her get on her horse. Elia gave her mother one final smile before riding away.

It was several days when she reached the edge to Mirkwood's forest. She stroked Belegroc's neck before pushing the horse forward onto the pathway. Belegroc was a little more condiment as he walked along the dirt road. She started to hum softly, her eyes shifted from side to side.

Suddenly, Belegroc let out a whinny when someone jumped down in front of them. She smiled when she recognized the person immediately. "Mae govannen, Tauriel," she said. (Well met, Tauriel.) Tauriel smiled at her and bowed her head.

"Mae govannen, Elia," she said.

"Manen ná ldë?" Elia asked. (How are you?)

"Mairen," Tauriel replied as she sheathed her sword. (Well.) Elia smiled as she dismounted her horse and the two friends gave each other a one arm embrace. "You have returned," she said with a soft smile.

"Of course," she replied as she stepped back.

"Lord Legolas will be pleased," Tauriel said, "His mood has been rather off since you departure."

"I am sure it is not because of my departure," Elia said.

"We will see," Tauriel replied with a smirk.

They made their way back to the Castle and Elia looked up. She still could not get over the beauty that Mirkwood had to offer. "Mae govannen," a familiar voice said. Turning around, a soft smile graced her features when she saw a familiar Elvin Prince standing before her.

"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduillion," she said. (Well met, Legolas, son of Thranduil.) She pressed her fist to her chest and bowed her head respectfully to him.

"Ldë ála maura sam nna caw, mellon nin," he said. (You do not need to bow, my friend.)

Elia smiled as she did the simple gesture to Legolas as she had with Tauriel. "We were not expecting you," he said as they entered the castle.

"Well, delivering a message to Mirkwood is rather difficult," she said.

"How was your visit with your mother?" he asked.

"It was well," she replied.

Legolas and Elia made their way down the hall and reached her old chambers. "Your room has been untouched," he said.

"Thank you," she said as he opened the door for her.

As she walked by him to enter the room she could practically feel the heat rolling off him. She mentally scolded herself for flushing like a child. She cleared her throat as she dropped her pack on the bed. "I will take my leave, that way you can settle in," he said. He went to leave.

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