A Peaceful Ride

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It wasn't long before Elia's wound had fully healed, but she had found herself unable to leave Mirkwood. The more she explored, the more she fell in love with the land. On the day that she was supposed to leave, Elia was in the stables saddling Belegroc when she became aware of someone approaching her. She turned to her right to see that it was Legolas. "Leaving so soon?" he asked.

"I had been informed that I am not very welcome here, even if I am a friend of Elrond's," she replied as she fitted the bridle over Belegroc's head.

"Stay," Legolas said, "You will be my guest."

Elia raised her brow. "Your guest?" She asked.

"Yes, that is, if you want to stay I will not keep you here if you do not wish it," he said.

Elia thought it over and looked at Belegroc, who looked back at her as if to tell her, "This is your choice."

"I do not wish to cause you any trouble," she said.

"You won't be any sort of trouble," Legolas replied as he went over to another stall, "I will take you for a ride, show you the lands we have protected."

Elia smiled as she finished getting Belegroc ready for a ride at least. Legolas had his horse ready and he watched as she got onto Belegroc's back. He pulled himself up onto his horse and they rode out of the stables together.

He lead her along the path, keeping her safe from the other dangers that were hidden in Mirkwood. "Tell me something about yourself, my lady, please," he said. Elia had Belegroc ride up and their horses walked side by side.

"I was born in Imladris. When my mother escaped Gondor she was not aware that she was carrying me. My Grandmother only foresaw my brother, I was unexpected," she said.

"Is that why you feel you are in your brother's shadow?" he asked.

Elia let out a sigh. "I feel like I am in his shadow because his whole future has been foretold long before his birth. He holds the hope for Man, but my future is nothing but a mystery. I do not truly know who I am, I feel like as though I am only known as Estel's sister. Do not misunderstand, I love my brother. He is a good man and a good brother. He never once made me feel as though I was lesser than him," she explained.

"Your brother sounds like a good man," he said.

"He is," she said.

"I would like to know more about you though," he said.

The woman was silent as she followed Legolas up a hill. Once they reached the top, her eyes were wide when she saw the view. She let out a breath and Legolas smiled at her. "It is quite the site," he said.

"Truly," she replied, "What exactly do you want to know about me?"

"Ma nalyë naike vë ósat," He replied. (Anything you would like to share.)

Elia leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Belegroc's neck. "Ne mairos. Ni ane sanomë yá Belegroc ane nóna," she said. (I love horses. I was there when Belegroc was born.) She stroked the animal's neck with a smile. "San cinta yë mirwa," she said. (So small and precious.) Legolas to see her blue eyes shine as she spoke about her horse. "Mllon nin," she said. (My friend.)

"Mairos ná sarta," he said. (Horses are loyal.) She nodded in agreement and looked at him.

"I was riding horses before I could even walk," she said.

"Is that so?" he asked.

"My foster brother, Elladen, would take me riding," she said.

"One of Lord Elrond's sons?" he asked.

Elia nodded her head slowly before she sat back up straight in her saddle. "I did not get the chance to explore much of Middle Earth until my brother decided to go out on his own from Rivendell. I wanted to see the world so I went with him," she said. She braided Belegroc's hair and Legolas watched her with a soft smile. There was an aura about her that brought such warmth and comfort. She looked up as the sun started to set and smiled softly. "This is a beautiful view," she said.

"Truly," he said, even though he wasn't speaking about the sunset. Elia tugged on Belegroc's reins lightly.

"Shall we return?" she asked.

"Yes, yes we shall," he replied as they rode back down the hill.

After dinner that evening, Elia made her way back to her chambers when Thranduil approached her. She curtsied deeply to the King. "I thought I had asked you to leave Mirkwood once you were healed?" Thranduil asked.

"I had asked her to stay, Father," Legolas replied as he walked up, "She is my guest until she is ready to leave."

Thranduil stared at the woman before him. "Very well," he said, "you know which rooms to keep her out of."

"Yes," Legolas replied. The King left them alone and Elia frowned as she stood up.

"Did I offend him in some way over why he wants me to leave?" she asked.

"No, he is just not very open with visitors to our realm," Legolas replied.

"Clearly," she replied, making him smile a little.

She let out a breath and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I should take my leave," she said.

"Sleep well, Lady Elia," he said.

"You as well, My Lord," she replied before entering her chambers. Legolas watched the door close before he made his way through the halls.

When he made his way outside, he became aware that someone was walking up behind him. He recognize the footsteps and let out a breath. "Manan naike ldë lav a fírima norta hí?" Thranduil asked. (Why would you ask a mortal to stay here?)

"Rya on ië Elia," Legolas said. (Her name is Elia.)

"Sa lala valda," Thranduil said. (It does not matter.)

Legolas turned to his father. "Elia ië nya nasumo tenna ro mer lesta," he said. (Elia is my guest until she wants to leave.) The two elves seemed to stare each other down.

"Ála car auca cilme," Thranduil said. (Do not make foolish choices.)

"Vá," Legolas replied. (I will not.)

Legolas made his way towards the entrance again. "Firieth lélë nay," Thranduil said. (A mortal woman will cause bitter pain.)

"Munta lélë lárë, Atar," Legolas replied. (Nothing will happen, Father.)

With that, he was inside and Thranduil was left with his thoughts. He knew his son, he knew him better than Legolas would care to admit. He knew the look the Elvin Prince wore on his face when the mortal woman would enter the room. Nothing could happen between them, he would not lose his son to a mortal woman. He would not let his son go through the unforgiving pain that only heartache can bring. He would do whatever it took to keep him safe. For now, Thranduil would keep an eye on them. He would make sure nothing would happen between them. It would not and could not.

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