Call to Action

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Fifteen years later, Legolas and Elia were still in their "newlywed" phase. Whenever they had a moment to be alone they took it. There were a few times they were late for important matters because they could not keep their hands off each other. Elia was surprised to know that Elrond went to Thranduil to get him to be apart of the most important day of his son's life. Even though he gave his blessing, Elia still preferred to stay in Rivendell, since the King's words cut too deep for a simple gesture to heal the pain he caused.

Unfortunately, everything changed when Gandalf the Grey arrived in Rivendell with a request for Legolas to help him. Elia stood beside her husband as she looked at the wizard. He was being very cryptic and it didn't sit well with Elia. "Mithrandir," she said, "What are you not telling us?"

"I have a few theories, my lady, but I need your husband's assistance to get the answers I need," Gandalf replied.

Legolas nodded his head slowly. "I will go," he said.

"I will go with you," Elia said.

"No," Legolas said.

Elia immediately frowned. "Why?" she asked.

"Your presence is more important here," Gandalf replied, "Lady Arwen is going to need you."

"What is going on?" she asked.

"I am unsure," Legolas replied, "There have been whispers, even the spiders are frightened."

"That gives me even more of a reason to come with you," she insisted.

"Meleth nin," he said, "Please." Elia looked into his eyes, and she saw an expression she had never seen before. He was worried. "Please, just stay here, where I know you'll be safe," he said.

Reluctantly, she nodded her head slowly. "Let me retrieve my belongings," Legolas said.

"Of course," Gandalf replied.

Elia held onto her husband's hand until he was out of her reach. "Do not fear, Lady Elia, he will be just fine," Gandalf said.

"I am his wife, Mithrandir, it is my job to worry about him," Elia replied, "I also do not like being kept in the dark on what kind of mission you are taking him on."

"It might be nothing," Gandalf said.

"It might be something," Elia said.

Gandalf nodded his head slowly. "I will be sure he returns to you," he said. Elia watched as he left and she let out a deep breath. She hated not knowing what was going on.

Later, Legolas had his horse saddled and ready to go. Elia approached him and made sure his bow was fastened. "Come back to me," she said softly. Legolas held her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

"I will," he said. Elia moved her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Legolas hugged her back, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you," he replied. He pulled his head back just so he could lean forward and kiss her. Elia kissed him back, her fingers stroked his cheek. Pulling away, he got up onto his horse. Elia stepped back and watched as he and Gandalf rode off together. She waited until he was completely out of her sight before she went back inside.

It was October, Legolas still hadn't returned from Mirkwood and she had yet to receive word on when he was going to return. Not hearing from him at all worried her. To add to her heavy mind, Aragorn had left Rivendell to meet with Gandalf in the village, Bree. She heard the whispers, she heard the rumors. The Ring of Power, Isildur's Bane, the One Ring, or Sauron, the Deceiver's, Ring was found. It was found with a hobbit of all creatures.

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