The Longest Night

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An Uruk-Hai swung his axe at Elia's head. Elia ducked out of the way, backing Eothain up as she went. "Run, Eothain! Go!" she ordered, pushing the boy towards the stairs.

"Where do I go?!" Eothain exclaimed.

"GO!" Elia ordered.

The boy ran down the stairs and Elia looked for a place for the boy to hide. She gripped his shoulder, pointing up. "Do you see that horn?" she asked. He nodded. "You go there, and hide there! Do not move until I come to get you," she ordered.

"What about you?" Eothain asked.

"Do not worry about me," she answered, "Just go!"

Eothain ran towards the Hornburg and Elia ran back up the stairs towards the hoards of Uruk-Hai attempting to chase the child. Pulling out her daggers, she swung her arm out and the blade sliced through an Uruk-Hai's neck. She ran towards a ladder that was pushed up next to her. She threw an Uruk-Hai over the stairs before she kicked the ladder over before anymore of them could ambush her. "TOGO HAN DAD, LEGOLAS!" she heard Aragorn shout near her. (BRING HIM DOW, LEGOLAS!) Looking over the wall, she saw an Uruk-Hai running towards a drain in the wall with a torch. Legolas shot an arrow into him, but it barely reacted. "DAGO HON! DAGO HON!" Aragorn shouted. (KILL HIM! KILL HIM!)

The Uruk-Hai was hit in the neck, but with its final breath it leapt toward the drain. "ELIA!" Aragorn shouted. He grabbed his sister around the waist just as the entire wall shook like an earthquake struck it. The wall underneath Elia's feet came apart like parchment in water. She let out a scream as she fell through the air, but she felt her brother's arms protect her head as they fell to the ground.

She rolled off him, feeling like the air was knocked out of her. She held her side and coughed. She looked over at Aragorn to see he was unconscious. "Estel!" she called out to him. Elia pulled herself up and rushed to his side. She looked over to see a large hole in where the wall stood and the army charged through. Aragorn came to and sat up trying to regain his bearings.

"ARAGORN! ELIA!" they heard Gimli shout. They looked up as the dwarf jumped down from the wall and onto the Uruk-Hai running at them.

"GIMLI!" Aragorn shouted, "HAD I PHILLIN!" More arrows from the elves that were still behind the wall fired arrows at the charging army. "HERIO!" (CHARGE!) Elia pulled out her sword and ran with the army. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Legolas using a shield to slide down a set of stairs while firing arrows at the enemy. If this weren't a dire situation, she would have found it amusing.

Elia reached into the water that Gimli was pulled under, she and Aragorn pulled their friend up and he gasped for air. She pressed her back up against Legolas's, literally keeping each other protected as Uruk-Hai surrounded them. There were too many of them! She saw elves one by one getting slaughtered. At one point, she didn't know when they were one separated again and Elia took a dagger and threw it. The blade spun through the air and embedded itself into an Uruk-Hai's head. "ESTEL!" Elia called out for her brother, "LEGOLAS! GIMLI!" In the never-ending darkness, she could see nothing but invading orcs.


"NAN BARAD!" Aragorn shouted towards the elves. (TO THE KEEP!) Elia ran towards the stairs to get back towards the keep. "NAN BARAD!" Aragorn called out. Elia reached the top of the stairs. "HALDIR!" Aragorn called out. In the torchlights, she could see Haldir on the wall. "NAN BARAD!" Aragorn ordered him.

Elia ran towards Haldir's direction to help him escape when she saw an Uruk-Hai stab him in in the ribs. "No..." she said in disbelief. In his daze, Haldir didn't sense the Uruk-Hai coming up behind him with its axe raised. "NO!" Elia screamed as the axe came down on his back.

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