As My My Father

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It was two days after Legolas and Elia rekindled their relationship. Aragorn was in the forest practicing his sword fighting abilities when Legolas walked over to him. "May I have a moment?" he asked. Aragorn looked over at his friend and put his sword away.

"Of course, my friend, what can I do for you?" Aragorn asked as he sat down on a fallen log.

Legolas mulled over the words that he wanted to say. He could see that his friend was entertained by his mental debate. "I would like to speak with you about Elia," he said.

"Go on," Aragorn said.

"I would like to ask you for Elia's hand in marriage," Legolas said, getting straight to the point.

The man was silent, looking at the elf, but then a smirk spread across his face and he let out a chuckle. Legolas couldn't help but allow a smile to spread across his face. "I would have made you work for it, but you came to Rivendell every year searching for her. You were determined to find her and I will be honest, I have never seen my sister's eyes light up so much," Aragorn said. He stood up and was in front of Legolas. "It would be honor to have you officially part of my family."

Over two thousand-years-old and the elf felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. "Hannon le," he said. (Thank you.)

"Now, all you have to do is ask her," Aragorn now, "I do not believe that will be an issue."

"Let us hope," Legolas said.

Evening fell, Elia was in the garden cleaning off her mother's statue when she became aware that she was being watched. She turned and saw Legolas standing there. "Sneaking up on me, meleth nin?" she quipped.

"I was admiring the view," he replied. Elia shook her head and pushed her hair over her shoulder. "Will you take a walk with me?"

"Of course," she replied, reaching for his hand. Legolas held her hand and they found a private spot so no one could interrupt them. "You have been...quieter than usual, meleth nin," she said. Legolas smiled as he held her hand between both of his.

"I have had a lot on my mind," he replied.

"What is on your mind?" she asked.

" is always you," he replied.

Elia's face flushed and Legolas chuckled softly as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Now, honestly, what is on your mind?" she asked.

"Our future," he replied, "How spending every moment with you is a gift."

"Legolas..." she murmured. She reached up and stroked his cheek.

The elf moved down onto one knee and her eyes went wide. "Cuil nin, meleth nin. Im mela d di hûn a il fae. Innas d besta nin?" he asked. (My life, my love. I love you with all my heart and soul. Will you marry me?)

Tears welled up in her eyes as a smile graced her features. Never had she thought she would ever fall in love and for that person to love her in return. Legolas held onto her hands, waiting patiently for her answer. "Athon," she said happily. (Yes.)

Legolas released her hands, standing up he took her into his arms and swung her around. Elia laughed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he spun her around in several circles. Their laughter filled the garden as he set her down. Legolas set her back down, cupping her face in his hands. Elia moved her hands along his arms, tilting her head up as he leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed him back, her life never felt more complete as she stood in her love's arms.

Two days later, Legolas rode his horse towards the familiar bridge that led into his father's Kingdom. "Edra i annon! I caun dawen!" a guard called out. (Open the gate! The prince returns!) The gates opened and Legolas made his way through. He climbed off his horse as the guards greeted him.

"My Lord, Legolas, your father debated sending a search-party after you," another guard said.

"I am sure he has, where is he?" Legolas asked.

"In his study," the guard replied.

Legolas handed the reins over to the elf and made his way to the stairs. He was so distracted with his thoughts that he nearly ran into Tauriel. "Did you find her?" she asked. Legolas looked at the Captain and gave her a nod. "How does she fair?" she asked.

"She is well," Legolas replied. Tauriel saw a familiar glimmer in his eye.

"She returns your love," she said.

"Indeed," Legolas replied as he walked by her. Tauriel followed him up the stairs. "This conversation is only for my father and me."

"You intend to marry," Tauriel said. Legolas was silent, confirming her suspicions. "He will not approve," she said.

"As I have stated before, Tauriel. He does not command my heart. He knows that, it is why he tried to control Elia's," he said.

"Is that what happened?" Tauriel asked.

"It is a lengthy tail, mellon," Legolas replied, "One I will go into detail later. For now, leave me to my father."

Tauriel bowed her head and she let him continue along the long hall towards his father's study.

Shoving the door open, it flew back against the wall. Thranduil looked over at his son. "Suil, Legolas," he said cooly. (Welcome, Legolas.)

"I found Elia, I know the truth," Legolas said firmly.

"What is the truth," Thranduil asked, folding his hands on his desk.

"You manipulated Elia to leave, using mother as a tool to make her feel selfish for loving me," Legolas answered, "You used mother to get her to do as you wanted."

Thranduil raised his brow. "As a father, your love for the mortal woman is selfish," he said.

"Then indeed I am selfish for giving my heart to her. I pledged myself to her long before you sent her away," Legolas said, "It was too late, Father. It is done."

"It is not done," Thranduil said, "I will not lose my son to an irresponsible fantasy."

"Why? The fact she is unable to give me a child?" Legolas asked, "How is that her fault?"

"It will lead to your death, Legolas," Thranduil said.

"Keeping her from me will bring me there faster," Legolas replied.

Father and son stared each other down. The Elven King stood up and let out a frustrated breath as he circled his son. "Is this how you will spend your immortal life? Trapped in grief and despair? Never finding peace with the memories you will hold onto forever?" Thranduil asked.

"It is my choice to make, and I choose Elia," Legolas said, "I choose Elia like you chose mother. Someone to spend a life with, even if our time together is limited. I am unable to deny my heart what it desires, nor will I"

Thranduil frowned. "You would use your mother against me?" he asked.

"You used her against me," Legolas replied, looking at his father, "Only I do not mention Mother to hurt you, I mention her as a way to describe how much I truly love Elia. As my love for her runs as deep as your love for mother." The king frowned and went to leave the room. "I have asked Elia to be my wife, Father," he said. Thranduil stopped by the door, he swayed but with Legolas's back turned towards him he didn't notice. "She has accepted. As my King, I hope that you will give me permission to go through with the marriage. As my father, I hope for your blessing even if you do not agree with it," Legolas said.

The tension in the room was thick. Thranduil let Legolas's words sink in. He had a decision to make, either way he would lose his son. "Believe what you will about me, Legolas. I did what I thought was right, as you are my son. I have made an eternity's worth of mistakes when it comes to my relationship with you. I did not send her away to hurt you, I did it to protect you," he said. Legolas was silent. "If you intend to go forward with this...relationship, then I am not given much choice," Thranduil said, "As your King, I will give you permission to marry her. As your father, I am unable to let you go."

Legolas closed his eyes and Thranduil left the room.

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