When Everything Changes

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Another season passed and Elia found herself making herself at home in Mirkwood. Legolas showed her around Mirkwood, he even showed her the training area where he and his guards practiced their fighting skills. She found herself practicing her archery, since that was her weakest fighting ability. One morning, she was in the archery yard with her bow, growing frustrated when she missed the target again. "Your bow arm shakes when you release the arrow," Legolas said. She looked over her shoulder as he approached her.

"Are you watching me now?" she asked, raising her brow.

"I was making my way to my post when I saw you practicing," he replied. Legolas had her turn to face the target. "You want to hold your bow steady even when you release the arrow," he said. He stood behind her and had her hold her bow up. She notched an arrow into her bow and concentrated on the target. "Súya," he said quietly. (Breathe.) Just the way he said a simple word made shiver go up her spine. She bit her lower lip and let out a deep breath. He nodded his head slowly. His hand reached up and wrapped around hers.

Elia fought every she had to gasp when she felt an electric shock go up her arm from their touch. Legolas stilled behind her, which told her he felt it too. She breathed in and out, attempting to concentrate on the target. She released the arrow, but he held her hands firm so she wouldn't jerk the bow up. The arrow landed just above the middle of the target. "Better," he said. She cleared her throat and stepped back from him.

"I will work on it, thank you, My Lord," she said. Legolas bowed his head lightly and she watched him walk away. She let out a dep breath, turning away. Her cheeks burned and cleared her throat.

After a while, Elia made her way back into the stables and smiled to see Belegroc just standing comfortably in his stall. "Mellon nin," She said. (My friend.) Belegroc raised his head and she stroked the animal's nose. "Manen ná ldë?" she asked. (How are you?) The horse bumped his head against her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around the animal's neck. "Nása quilda hí," she said. (Yes it is quiet here.)

"Ala hí," Tauriel replied as she entered the room. (Not always.)

Elia looked at the other elf with a slight smile. "I have seen the dangers on your borders," she said.

"That was an easy task compared to the spiders," Tauriel replied.

"Spiders?" Elia asked surprised.

"Oh yes," Tauriel replied.

Elia shuddered at the idea and it made the elf chuckle lightly. "I saw Lord Legolas was teaching you some archery this morning," she said.

"He was just giving me some advice," Elia replied.

"Not many get the opportunity to receive lessons from the Prince," Tauriel said.

"Truly?" Elia asked.

Tauriel nodded and Elia looked at Belegroc. "I have noticed that he has become rather fond of you over the last two seasons," she said.

"Lord Legolas?" Elia asked surprised.

"He looks forward to spending time with you when his time as a guard on the borders ends," Tauriel said.

"How do you know?" Elia asked.

"I have guarded Mirkwood side by side with him for several years...he is not one who looks forward to his replacement to return to the Kingdom," Tauriel replied. Elia let out a sigh and released Belegroc. Her reaction surprised the elf as they left the stables. "That is not quite the reaction I was expecting you to have," Tauriel said.

"I am not one who is easy to let others see my true emotions," Elia replied honestly.

"Why is that, Lady Elia?" Tauriel asked as they climbed the stairs.

"I have seen what love can do to others," Elia replied. She let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes. "My mother was widowed at a young age, before my birth even. Then Lord Elrond who raised my brother and me, his wife sailed to Valinor years ago."

"I would hope you would not allow yourself to feel something that is as pure as love," Tauriel said.

Elia let out a deep breath an rubbed her hands together. "I think I have overstayed my welcome here in Mirkwood," she said, "The King has been dropping many clues that he wants me to leave."

"And what would you say to that request?" Tauriel asked.

"Who am I to defy the King of Mirkwood?" Elia asked.

"I was made aware that Lord Legolas insists that you stay," Tauriel said.

"He does, but I should take my leave," Elia replied. With that she took a step back from the redheaded elf. "I must visit Eriador, that is where my mother dwells."

Tauriel could see the reluctance in the mortal woman's eyes and nodded her head slowly. "Har moina, mellon nin," she said. Elia bowed her head lightly to the guardian before she made her way back to her chambers.

Evening had fallen by the time Elia was prepared to leave Mirkwood. She was in the stables getting Belegroc ready to depart. "Tauriel satya ldë pano nna lesta Mirkwood," Legolas said from the entrance. (Tauriel said you plan to leave Mirkwood.)

Elia looked up as he approached her. "Alá, ni pano cecenna amya," she replied. (Yes, I plan to visit my mother.)

"I had hoped you would stay a little longer," he said.

She gave him a soft smile, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You are too kind, My Lord, but I have not seen my mother in quite some time," she said.

"Is that the only reason?" he asked.

Elia raised her brow at him. "Would there be another reason?" she asked. Legolas was silent.

"Will you return?" he asked.

"I do not know," she replied.

Legolas reached up around his shoulders, removing his two daggers from the holder on his back. "Take these," he said. His gesture surprised her.

"These belong to you," she said.

"I am offering you a little more protection," he replied, "Orcs are everywhere."

Reluctantly, Elia took the daggers, sliding them into her saddlebag. "It will also give you a reason to return," he said.

Elia nodded her head slowly. Then she held out her arm. "Namárië," she said. (Farewell.) Legolas turned her hand over and held it between his own.

"Páquet a ldë rato, Heri Elia," he said. (I will see you soon, Lady Elia.) She would not argue and she climbed onto her horse. Legolas backed up and watched as she rode out of the stables and back down the elvin path out of the forest.

Traveling to Eriador took several days, but when she arrived she looked around the home that her mother was born and raised in. She got off her horse and the people looked at her as she walked by them with a respectful nod. When she found her mother's home, the sun had begun to set. Her mother was sitting in the gardens with a book in her lap. "Mother," she said.

Gilraen heard her daughter's voice and looked up. "Elia!" she said happily. Even as age caught up with her, her mother was still so beautiful. "My heart," Gilraen said as Elia walked over to her. Mother and daughter embraced tightly. Feeling her mother's loving embrace made all of the stress she had felt in the last several days melt away like when Winter turned into Spring. Elia could only hope that staying here with her mother would give her the answers she desired, even if she did not like what they were.

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