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Warning: There is mature scenes towards the end of this chapter sexual in nature.

Three days later, Elia was in her room in her wedding dress. She ran her hands over her bodice, staring at the beading. She looked up when there was a knock on the door. "Minna," she called out. (Enter.) Aragorn entered the room and he stared at his sister in awe.

"Dh cen bain," he said. (You look beautiful.)

"Hannon le," she said. (Thank you.) She rubbed her hands together nervously. "Is it time?" she asked.

"Not quite," he replied, closing the door. That was when she noticed the wooden box in his hands. "Mother had some of her trinkets sent here for you to have today," he said. Elia smiled sadly.

"I wish she was here," she said.

"She had foreseen this, so in a way, she already was here," he said with a small smile. Elia smiled back and approached him as he opened the box. Inside was a beautiful headpiece. It had green and white gems on a silver frame. "She wore this when she married Father. She hoped you would wear it one day," he said.

"It's so beautiful," she said softly. Slowly, she bent down on one knee to allow him to place the tiara on her head.

"In a way, I am now crowning the new Princess of Mirkwood," he said. Elia smiled and chuckled softly. Aragorn removed the tiara from the box and carefully placed it on her head. He helped adjust her hair and when she stood up, a single green gem hung above her brow. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Elia hugged her brother gently around his waist and his arms moved around her back.

It was not easy for Aragorn to watch his sister wed. Even with only a couple of years separating them, he always felt protective of her. Whe nshe was gone for fifteen years, it took Arwen literally bocking Rivendell's entrance with her horse to stop him from searching for her. The only time she allowed it was when Legolas came to him. The Elven Prince's heart was broken when he realized Elia wasn't in Rivendell. When it became clear that he was in love with Elia, not caring that he didn't care that they could never have a family of their own, Aragorn respected the prince for loving his sister for who she was. It was Aragorn's idea for Legolas to return once a year knowing that one day, Elia would be in Rivendell. "Are you ready to give me away?" she asked.

"Never," Aragorn replied, resting his cheek on the top of her head. Pulling back, he smiled gently at her before offering her his arm. She slipped her arm through his and they left the room.

The banquet hall was filled with the few guests that Legolas and Elia had desired to invite. Even with the little amount of people, Elia felt her heart jump into her throat. She was not sure what to expect when it came time for the marriage blessings. She was led over to the seat next to Legolas and he stood up. Aragorn gave his friend a nod before placing his sister's hand into the Elven Prince's.

Elia looked at her love and she couldn't help but smile brightly as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. She kissed him back, her hand reached up to stroke his cheek. Then, he helped her sit down to enjoy the festivities. It took some time, but Elia was grateful that Arwen talked her into keeping the marital feasts, to allow their families to celebrate in this union. Even if it meant not everyone would be there to celebrate with them. Elia glanced over at her soon-to-be husband, and she could see he was enjoying himself as much as she was.

When the sun started to set, Elrond stood up from the table. "The bride and the bridegroom will begin the next part of the celebration," he announced. Legolas stood up, he held onto Elia's hand leading her towards the middle of the banquet room. He made sure everyone could see them and they looked at each other.

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