Safe from Me

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Another season had passed and it was another evening in Mirkwood. Elia had finished her training for the day, she was ready to clean up and prepare for supper.

As the woman made her way back to her chambers, she became aware that she was being followed. She stopped and listened. "N lerta lhar ldë," she said. (I can hear you.)

"An a fírimo, ldë sam ya vala," Thranduil said as he exited the shadows. (For a mortal, you have elvish abilities.)

"Quendi same amu mé," she said. (Elves helped raise me.)

"Indeed," Thranduil said, "Then you would know that we have the capability of hearing and seeing from long distances."

Elia's stomach churned a little. "I am aware, My Lord," she replied.

"I could not help but hear a conversation you had with my Captain," he said. Elia swallowed against the lump in her throat. "You and my son were curious to why I had not said anything about your relationship, it was because I had come to accept that my son was going to make any decisions he felt best suit him. That includes anything that dealt with his heart."

"You accept us?" she asked.

"Past tense, my dear, I had accepted you, until I overheard you and my Captain," he said. Elia felt her heart thump against her chest. "Legolas is the only link I have left of my late wife. It took me too long to realize how lucky I am to have such a gift that my wife could ever give me. A piece of herself, that even after her untimely death, I still had a piece of her still alive in this world."

"What..." Elia started to say.

"When Elves fall in love, truly in love, it is just once. Legolas once thought he had affections for Tauriel, but that was a mere infatuation. With you, however, it is different," he said. Elia held her hands behind her back. "Not only are you a mortal woman, but a barren mortal at that. So even when you do die, you will leave my son with nothing but memories."

"He made his choice, why not speak to him about it?" Elia asked.

"I would much prefer to speak to the person he wants to pledge himself to," Thranduil said, "You see, my son will not see my reasons to why this will be the beginning of his end."

"The beginning of his end?" Elia asked.

Thranduil circled the girl and Elia followed him. "Your affections for my son will be the death of him. Not of his physical body, but of his mind. He will lose you, it is not "if" it is the matter of "when." My son will survive the rest of this world or even when he travels to Valinor, he will do it with only memories of you. You are unable to leave him with anything for him, therefore nothing to heal the pain that your death will bring him. He will not be the Legolas we both know and care for. He will be a shell, grieving over your loss for all of eternity. I love my son too much to see him go through the pain," Thranduil explained.

"Are you truly looking out for Legolas's heart or for your own?" Elia asked, trying to stay strong.

"Both if you want to truly look at it," Thranduil said, "I will not lose my son and I came to you to see reason as to why I do not want to lose him." Elia twisted the ring around on her finger. "Do you truly love Legolas, Lady Elia?" Thranduil asked.

"More than you can ever imagine," she said.

"Then forgive a father for asking you to let him go," Thranduil said.

Elia was silent as Thranduil's words echoed through her head. "You do not need to make any decisions tonight, or even tomorrow. Think over what you are doing, Lady Elia. You are not only taking away my only son and child, but my heir. My bloodline might as well end here and now if you two continue to pursue this dream," Thranduil said, "A fruitless dream."

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