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Early the next morning, Elia cut the dead ends to her hair. She dressed in her traveling garb, looking over she saw her husband watching her. "You are staring," she said.

"I am," he said.

Elia stood up straight after she slipped her boots on. "Why?" she asked.

"A husband can not admire his wife?" he asked.

With a smile, she strode over to him and entered his loving arms. "He can," she replied. Legolas leaned forward, kissing her lovingly. Elia kissed him back, moving her hands along his arms to his chest. She felt his heartbeat under her palm. Pulling away from her lips, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and then her cheeks. "We have to go," she said.

"I know," he answered. They released each other and she grabbed her quiver, strapping it onto her back before they left their room.

They made their way down the stairs where everyone else prepared to leave. Elia stood between her husband and brother. She noticed that Arwen stood with her brothers, her expression was solemn. It confused her, this was not the first time Aragorn had gone off to a war. This was different though, why? Before she could think of it more, they were leaving Rivendell. Elia looked back at Imladris. "What is wrong?" Legolas asked.

"I just get the feeling...this is the last time I will ever see Rivendell," she replied. Legolas gave her a reassuring smile.

"We will one day return Imladris," he assured her. Elia smiled as she walked along the familiar trails she walked on so many times throughout her life.

They had to stay on this course for forty days with the hope that Gandalf's plan would go flawlessly. Even though she knew it would be anything but flawless.

When they had stopped for the first night, Elia rolled out her sleeping sack and laid down on it, staring at the stars. She became aware that someone was next to her and glanced next to her to see it was Boromir. "You have been pretty silent all day," Elia said as she sat up.

"I had no real reason to start a discussion," he replied. Elia nodded her head slowly and cleared her throat. "Your husband is the elf," he said. She looked at him surprised. "Please do not take me for a fool, Elia," he said, "I see the way he looks at you when you are not looking."

The woman was silent. "And how you look at him," he added, "I would give anything in the world for you to look at me that way."

"Boromir, stop," she said softly, making sure no one else was listening.

"Everyone else is paying attention to their own conversations," Boromir said.

"What do you hope to accomplish in this conversation?" Elia asked, "To search for answers that are not there?"

"I am trying to understand why him," Boromir replied. Elia dragged her fingers through her hair with a deep breath. At that moment, she was relieved when Legolas and Aragorn returned with the game they had caught. Boromir moved over and went to help clean the kill.

The next morning, Elia grabbed her water pouch. "Where are you going?" Aragorn asked.

"If we are not stopping until nightfall again, then I need to fill my water," she replied.

"Do you need company?" Legolas asked.

"No, I will be alright," Elia replied with a smile.

She gave Legolas's shoulder a gentle squeeze and made her way down to the river. Boromir watched her go and looked at Legolas. "You do not go to protect her?" he asked.

Daughter of ArathornWhere stories live. Discover now