To End the World of Men

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It was another day when Elia walked along the stone wall that looked out a field. In the distance, she a lone rider on a hill and frowned. Then as they rode closer, her heart skipped a beat. How was this possible? She ran down the steps and over to the doors.

Aragorn rode his horse to the middle of the entrance and everyone stared in disbelief. "Estel!" Elia called out as she pushed her way through the confused villagers. He turned towards his sister and she embraced him carefully when she saw the gash on his shoulder. "Man hída?" she asked. (What happened?)

"Eithor lû," he replied. (Another time.)

"Where is he?! Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!" Gimli exclaimed as he pushed his way through the crowd. When he saw Aragorn the dwarf was in disbelief. "You are the luckiest, the cattiest, and the most reckless man I ever knew!" Gimli said, embracing Aragorn, "Bless you laddie!"

"Gimli, where is the King?" Aragorn asked. It was then that Elia noticed the concern in his eyes. Gimli gestured to the main hall and she walked after Aragorn to hear what was going on.

As Aragorn reached the top of the stairs, he nearly collided into Legolas in his haste. "Le abdallon," Legolas said. (You are late.) Aragorn stared at him confused. "You look terrible," Legolas said after giving him a quick look over. Now the man chuckled lightly, gripping his brother-in-law's shoulder. Legolas then held his hand up and slipped something into Aragorn's other hand. Opening it, he saw Arwen's necklace sitting in his palm. Elia smiled gently as she pressed a kiss to her brother's cheek. "Hannon le," Aragorn said. (Thank you.)

Aragorn walked by him and pushed the doors open to the main hall, surprising Theoden. As they stood in the room with him, Elia's heart dropped to the pits of her stomach at what he had to say. "A great host you say?" Theoden asked after listening to Aragorn's findings.

"All Isengard has been unleashed. Ten thousand strong at least," Aragorn said.

Theoden turned towards Aragorn in disbelief. "Ten thousand?!" he said exasperated.

"It was an army bred for a single purpose, to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall," Aragorn said.

The King was silent for a moment, but then he walked towards the doors. "Let them come," he answered. His answer shouldn't have surprised Elia as they left the room.

The King had his men prepare the fortress for the invasion. "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breeched the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg," Theoden said.

"This is no rabble of mindless orcs. These are Uruk-Hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad," Gimli said.

"I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I think I know how to protect my own keep," Theoden answered. Elia gave her friend a gentle smile and Aragorn patted his shoulder as they went back inside. "They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We have seen it before. Crops can be resown. Homes, rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them," Theoden insisted.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops and villages, they've come to destroy it's people down to the last child," Aragorn insisted.

Suddenly, Theoden turned around and gripped the front of Aragorn's shirt. "What would you have me do?" he snapped quietly, "Look at my men! Their courage hangs by a thread. If this were to be our end, I will have it be such an end as it is worthy of remembrance!"

Theoden released him and went to walk away. "Send out riders my lord, we MUST call for aid," Aragorn said.

"Who will come? Elves? Dwarves?" Theoden asked, gesturing to the two of behind him, "We are not so lucky in our friends as you."

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