The Final Gift

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Two days later, Elia made her way through the halls towards Frodo's room where she heard laughter. With a sot smile, she entered the room and she saw the hobbit's excitement. "Elia!" he said happily. She made her way over and stood between Legolas and Aragorn.

The hobbits stayed in Gondor along with what was left of the Fellowship. Spring arrived and Elia prepared for her brother's coronation. As she went to get dressed for the occasion, she saw something out of the corner of her eye in a mirror. Backing up a couple of steps, she stood in the mirror and turned to her side. There was a bump on her belly and she frowned. She started counting in her head and realized that even during their hardest of times she still had her cycle. Except for the last several weeks beore their battle in Mordor.

Actually, her last cycle was during their journey to Helm's Deep. "That is not possible..." she whispered. Her hand went to her belly and it felt hard to the touch. Her breasts felt a little heavier. She did have a little bout of nausea when she first awoke in the morning, but nothing too serious. Then tears welled up in her eyes.

"And my final gift to you..." Galadriel's voice rang in her hand. She sat on the edge of the bed when it dawned on her that the heat she felt that day from Galadriel's embrace was from Nenya healing her womb. She was with child....she was carrying hers and Legolas's child. The tears welled up in her eyes and she covered her mouth to muffle the sob that wanted to escape. She didn't want people to believe she was grieving, no, she was elated. The one thing she wanted more than anything with her husband was to carry his child, and now she was.

The door opened and she looked up to see Legolas walking in. "Are you alright?" he asked. Elia stood up and walked over, embracing him. He was stunned, but he returned her embrace. She pulled back and looked at him.

"Something amazing is happening," she said. By the look in her eye, he knew it had nothing to do with Aragorn's coronation. She took his hands and placed them on her belly. Then he realized he was feeling how firm her belly felt under his touch. "We are having a child," she said, "Galadriel's final git to us." Legolas hugged her tightly but being careful with her belly. She hugged him back with a joyful laugh as he lifted her up and swung her around.

Legolas set her down and he cupped her face in his hands. "Truly?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and then her mouth. Elia kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as his hands went to her midsection.

They finally finished getting ready for the coronation. Elia stood in the middle of the room wearing a forest green dress with silver trimming. The bodice had the combination of white tree branches with forest green vines wrapped around them sewn into it. She checked the jewel Legolas gifted her on their wedding day around her neck. Her dark brown waves hung down naturally around her waist except for two small braids that pulled her hair back from her face. There was a soft knock on the door, making the couple look up. "En Caun, en Rían," an elf-maiden called out. (My Prince, my Princess.)

"Minna," Legolas answered. (Enter.)

The elf-maiden entered the room and she curtsied lowly and respectfully to them. In her hands was a mahogany box. "Hen ië o Ara Thranduil di deid tuntor," the elf-maiden said. (This comes from King Thranduil with his regards.)

Legolas walked over and took the box from her. "Hannon le," he said. (Thank you.) With that, the elf-maiden left and Elia approached her husband. "Father left a note for you," he said as he placed the box on the vanity. Elia took the letter to see her name written in Tengway. She opened it to read it.

"You are the daughter of Kings ad the wife of a future King, it is time that you show that you are a future Queen," she read out loud. She opened the box and inside sat a beautiful circlet. Legolas stood beside her as she held it in her hands and examined the piece of jewelry. It matched Legolas's with the infinity circle that would sit above her brow, only hers had forest green gems springled through the loop. She turned to Legolas, who took the crown from her.

"It only took a war for Father to finally accept our marriage," he quipped lightly. Elia smiled lightly as he placed the circlet on her head and kissed her temple. She moved her arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around her back. She sighed in contentment as she leaned into him.

At the coronation, Elia watched as Aragorn stood at the front of the Citadel and then knelt down in front of Gandalf. Gimli held the pillow that had the crown up to the wizard, who took it and placed the crown onto Aragorn's head. "Now comes the days of the King!" Gandalf announced. He looked down at Aragorn with a small smile. "May they be blessed," he said.

Aragorn stood up and looked out at everyone. "This day is not for one man, but for all. Let us come together and live our world in peace," he told his subjects. Everyone continued to clap, including Elia with a proud smile on her face. "Et Earello Endorenna utulien Et Earello Endorenna utulien," he sang softly to the crowd. (Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.)

As Aragorn made his way along the path towards the white tree of Gondor, that was in full bloom for the first time in years, he approached Elia. She folded her hands in front of her and bowed deeply to her brother. "Mell neth," he said. (Dear sister.) She stood up and held his hand between hers.

"Mell hanar," she answered softly. (Dear brother.) He looked to Legolas who stood by his wife's side and the two of them gripped each other's shoulders.

"Hannon le," Aragorn said to Legolas. (Thank you.) Legolas gestured behind him and Aragorn released them both. Elia held Legolas's hand and watched as Aragorn approached the elves that had arrived. There was an elf hiding behind a white banner. When the banner was moved away, there stood Arwen. She was alive and well, standing there wearing a light green bridal gown and a beautiful headpiece that was shaped like her Evenstar necklace.

Elrond lightly pushed Arwen forward and she approached Aragorn. He took the banner from her, handing it off to someone else. Arwen bowed her head, but then Aragorn lifted her chin up. They stared into each other's eyes before Aragorn's mouth practically crashed into Arwen's in a deep passionate kiss. Arwen wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back as he spun her around in circles.

During the celebrations, Elia went searching for Elrond. The Elf Lord stood at the edge of the white tower, staring out at the fields that was once ravaged by war. "Ada," she called out. (Father.)

Elrond turned to look at the woman. "You have not called me that in years," he said.

"I felt the occasion called for it," Elia replied.

Elrond smiled gently at the woman. "Thranduil has accepted your marriage at last," he said.

"It took some time," she replied, "Are you well?"

"I am as well as I can be," Elrond replied, "After tonight I shall never see Arwen again."

"She will never be lost in your heart," she said.

Elia stood beside the elf and they looked out at the fields and the mountains. "You will leave Middle-Earth soon," she said.

"Yes," he replied.

"Then this will be the last we see of each other?" she asked.

"Unfortunately," he replied. Elrond looked at Elia. "You were the first child born in my house in two millennia. Like Arwen, you will always hold a special place in my heart."

Elia held onto his hand. "Your face was the one I saw above my cradle as a father would protect their child. You loved me as though I were your own," she said.

"You are my own," he answered. He gave her hand a squeeze.

"I have something to share with you, news that I did not want to tell Estel as it would take the day away from him," she said. Elrond's face was unreadable as Elia took his hand and placed it over her midsection.

The Elf-lord smiled and chuckled lightly. She knew that chuckle all too well. "You knew," she said.

"I looked into your future when you were on your lone journey and I saw them," he said. She had tears in her eyes. "I could not share what I saw, because you would not believe it because of what the healers told you. I saw the tribulations you would endure. I also knew what would be born at the end of it."

"You saw my child," she whispered.

"I did," he replied, "And they will be beautiful." Elia smiled and Elrond embraced her. "I will miss you," he said.

She hugged him back and rested her head on his shoulder. "And I you, Ada," she answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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