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(Georgie's P.O.V.)
The feeling of someone following me crept onto me. I took a right into an alleyway and stepped beside a run down wall before simply waiting on the person that was following me. It didn't take long for said person to arrive in my alleyway. I roughly grabbed a hold of him before slamming him against the wall. "Jeremiah, Jeremiah" I tsked and shook my head at the man in front of me. "George" he said trying to hide the suprise that I had caught him following me, after all it wasn't the first time this happened. "It might look like I'm not paying attention. But trust me when I say that I notice everything around me" I told him and you could hear the dangerour tone in my voice. I released him before turning on my heels "please tell Thomas, to stop ordering people follow". "Your brother just wanted to know where you were". I stopped and turned around "that's none of Thomas business, neither is it yours". "Its just that you are more quiet than usual... ever since-" he began but I cutt him off, "since what? Huh?" I questioned stepping towards him, "don't think that I became more quiet because of Kimber. Oh no, Jeremiah. I'm not quiet because I'm afraid to. It's just that I don't often feel the need to speak. I don't share everything that crosses my mind because I know better than to believe everything that crosses my mind. I need to take my time, I need to asses, observe and to understand. And yes even to correct my thoughts before I let them flow out into the world. I take my time because I understand the power of words. So no, I don't often speak, nor do I speak loudly. But atleast you'll know that whenever I do speak, I mean business". I turned on my heels again before walking away. "John reauested a family meeting at the Garrison!" Jeremiah called after me, "tell them this member of the family won't be attending" I yelled back as I continued to make my way further towards the Bettingshop. I arrived and walked into the bettingshop. I pulled my coat off and threw it over a nearby chair and gave a nodd towards Scudboat who was counting money. I walked further but stopped when I heard floorboards creak. "John?" Scudboat called but no answer. I turned around and watched the doors that lead to the house. Then suddenly the Lee family came barging in with guns raised. Instinctly Scudboat and I grabbed our guns. "Put that down!" The front man yelled before four of his men grabbed me and Scudboat. "Hello Erasmus" I chuckled as he stepped forward to me, "how's the ear?". His face contoured into anger as he reached up to touch the bandage that was securred around his head and ear. I remember when we had a fight with the Lee family and Tommy had ruthlessly cutt his ear off after he made a comment about me and our mother. "We're just here to get what belongs to us" he eventually replied before turning his rifle around. He swung and hit me in my face, making me black-out almost instantly.

"George! Georgie!". Voices called out faintly in the distance. They sounded familiar but my mind couldn't place it. "Georgina!". Then my body shot up and I gasped for air. "Easy, easy" it was Polly who knelt beside me, trying to calm me down. I let out a deep breath and calmed my racing heart before looking around me. The bettingshop was a mess. Chairs where thrown to the ground, cabinets smashed, four cashboxes stolen. "It was the Lee family" Scudboat explained as I got up with a groan, "Georgie take a seat" Polly tried but I refused. I stumbled further to look around. In a broken mirror I saw that I had a large cut just above my eyebrow and it was bleeding. "They left these" Tommy spoke and held his hand up, "wirecutters? Why would they leave wirecutters?" Polly questioned. My eyes went wide as I realized why. "Nobody move" Arthur said and began to step carefully, "I think our friends are playing the game" Tommy said with a nodd, "what game?" Polly questioned moving further, "aunt Polly don't move" I immediatly ordered and she stopped before giving me a nervous look. "Erasmus Lee was in France" Tommy continued, "whenever we gave up ground to the Germans, we would leave behind booby traps" Tommy explained, "and we would leave wirecutters. As part of the joke" I added looking around. I remember laying my first booby trap and then the soldiers told me to leave a wirecutter. At first I never understood why, but I soon caught on. "Somewhere in here is a hand grenade" John said, "holy jesus" Polly exclaimed. Everyone of the men began to tread lightly in search of the hand grenade. "No, its not in here" Tommy said shaking his head, "it would've gone of by now. It was my name on that bullet that Erasmus sent". I looked at him "the car". Both him and I went outside to go check it out. I stopped in my tracks as I saw Finn sitting in the car. "Finn?" Tommy began, "which door did you open to climb in?". "I didn't. I climbed in" my youngest brother replied with a giggle. Both me and Tommy gave each other a look. "Finn. Listen to me" I told him while the two of us stepped toward closer to the car, "I want you to climb out the exact same way as you climbed in". He only laughed and then opened the door. "No Finn!" Tommy and I both yelled before running to the car. I was the first one to arrive and I grabbed the grenade immediatly. I turned away and loudly yelled "clear!" Before throwing it. Everyone on the street immediatly dove for cover. I turned around to make sure Finn and Tommy where alright and I saw Tom grab Finn to shield him. The loud bang of the grenade made the ground shake and I flinched as I remembered the war. I looked back up and sighed in relief as I realized both of them where alright.

 I looked back up and sighed in relief as I realized both of them where alright

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Eventually when we brought Finn back home, I motioned for Tom to follow me. "We both know what we need to do" I told him as we walked out of the house. "This war between the Lees and the Shelbys needs to end. So we are going to pay Zilpha Lee a visit". "Oh and one more thing. You have Jeremiah or anyone else follow me again. I will smother you in your fucking sleep".

Published: 4th of March 2023

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