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(Georgie's P.O.V.)
I watch as a car drive into the gloomy warehiuse that has stacked crates lined up by the walls. Alfie gets out with a companion before walking towards me. His cane clicking against the cement floor. "Thought I asked you to come alone and unarmed" I told him, "yeah, well, alone I ain't never gonna do, am I? And as for the cane, don't worry about it. That is just my sciatica. It always plays up around the winter and the summer solstice". I nod and turn to one of the crates where I had put a bottle of whiskey on. "You know, I was looking forward to seeing you alone, that I got you your favorite whiskey. But guess we now need to share it between three of us" I told him and pour him a drink. "Nah, Gideon here doesn't drink" he told me and takes the glass from my hand. I lean against the table and cross my arms and watched him with a cold stare. "What did you bring me out here for?" Alfie questioned interested. I stay quiet for a moment and just look at his features. My anger rises in my veins untill the pot basically bubbled over. "You fucking rat!" I growled angrily smacking the glass out of his hands, making it shatter to the cement floor and with my other hand I pull out my revolver and aim it at him. Gideon immediatly grabs his gun aswell and clicks the safety of as he aims it at my head. "You crossed the line, Alfie" I sneer at him as my face forms into a snarl. "You fucking what?" Alfie questioned in disbelief, "you crossed the line" I snarl and my hand is almost shakinh with anger, "the line?". "You fucking betrayed me!" I yelled at him. Alfie watched me closely, trying to figure out if I was actually going to pull this trigger or not. "How dare you. I fucking trusted you!" I screamed spitting in the proces. "Trust is for children, George" he told me simply, "you, my dear, are a soldier". A growl escaped my lip "You are undermining my power, Solomons". "power?" Alfie questioned in disbelief, "Listen to you, preaching like you're the holliest Saint of 'em all! You can't see yourself, Georgie" he answered back, voice raising aswell with every word, "oh, I see myself. I can't not see myself. But alteast I won't slink of like a coward and go to Sabini!". I then snap and move forward before grabbing Alfje and force him down to the floor and strangle him with my hands. My shoulder is grabbed by Alfie's companion and I am pulled off. "Fucking hell, Georgie" Alfie groans out of breath. I feel the snub of Gideon's gun being pressed into my throat. But he wastes his time by waiting for Alfie's order to shoot me. So instead I am able to pull the trigger of my pistol, shooting him straight in the face. Blood splattering over my face and I drop to the floor once the weight of the man drags me down. "Oh, for crying out loud" Alfie sighed as I scramble from underneath the lifeless body. Once again I am my gun towards Alfie as he too gets to his feet "what the fuck is going on". I get to my feet succesfully and keep my gun up. Alfie doesn't seem to be bothered and approached me "what is the matter with you, Georgie, eh?". He comes so close to me that I am able to press the gun against his temple. "You got fucking angry, aint you?". "Yeah, I got fucking angry!" I screamed back at him. "You need to awknowledge that your anger is un-fucking-justified!", "unjustified? are you fucking serious!" I yelled back at him, "so what, I am just supposed to let it happen. Let everyone run me into the fucking ground!?". "He who fights by the sword, he fucking dies by it, Georgie" he angrily yelled, tapping his cane in the proces. I roll my eyes and trace my hands through my hair and pace around. "And what fucking line am I supposed to have crossed?" He questioned loudly and leans into my face. "How many people, right, have you cut, killed, murdered, fucking butchered, innocent and guilty and sent them straight to fucking hell ain' ya? Just like me! You fucking stand there. You judging me, stand there, and talk to me about crossing some fucking line?". He walked closer to me untill we where face to face. I could feel his breath hit me on my face as he looked down into my eyes. "If you pull that trigger, right, you pull that trigger for a fucking honourable reason. Like an honourable man. Not like some fucking civilian, that does not understand the wicked way of our world, Love" he simply explained. The corner of my mouth twitched and I began to laugh "then its a good thing that I am not a man". But still, I don't shoot him. There was just something in me that couldn't. I lower my gun before continuing to talk as I begin to pace around the Jew. "You know what I have learned as a woman" I questioned Alfie, "If there are going to be MEN in the world who are going to make my life difficult, then I am going to be a bigger MENANCE back to them" I said spelling out the words Men and Menance letter by letter, "because if there ever is going to be a problem presented to me by a man. Then you can surely bet on your pretty fucking race horses, that I will become a bigger one". Alfie rolled his eyes at me "be reasonable, George" he advised me, "you can't seriously be thinking that you can take on Sabini. That's suicidal. Just listen to me and stay out of the way". My head snapped at him and my eyes narrowed in annoyence. "this is me being reasonable" I snapped back at him, "now stay out of my fucking way, because if I must, I will kill you" I threatened before turning my back to walk towards my car. I glance quickly at the lifeless body of the man I had killed when I passed it but do not stop.

Published: 24th of December 2023

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