A night on the town...

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Jays POV:
As I wait for my date to come downstairs, I'm thinking to myself how lucky I am looking at old
Photos of Hailey...

As Hailey heads down the stairs, I am in awww over beautiful she looks in dress I bought her awhile back.
And then she asks me, if I look alright,

I say yes, you look incredibly beautiful tonight..
and I can't take my eyes off of you...

Hailey replies, baby I love you, and you look so friggin handsome..
I love you too babe I reply..

As they head out,

Hailey grabs a hold of her man, and just looks up at the stars.

And says to herself we have come a long way from coworkers, a solid partnership, and now loving lovers.

He still opens the door for me everywhere we go.

He thinks its old fashioned but In my opinion,
its so gentleman like and very sweet.

Not to mention he looks incredibly sexy in his suit..
alright time to get on outta the gutter..

now I'm ready to be unladylike over a huge tomahawk steak. It's been months...

as they arrive to one of the best steakhouses in chicago.

jay usually grabs beer, but tonight he goes straight for red wine.. i mean, non alcholic pina coladas.

Haliey rolls her eyes. really babe?
he responds, babe your pregnant remember.
he smirks.

oh i cant wait for baby halstead, mama needs wine.
so what can i get you two to start, some calamari the server reccomnends..

sure jay replies.

now entrees ladys first,  jay insists.

well ill take a tomahawk, creamed spinach.
mid rare please.

and for you sir? same.. and a side of

hailey laughs..

i always thought you were a filet kinda girl.
jay laughs

no way i like meat babe. hailey laughs.

thank god shes not a vegitarian.. jay tries to be funny.

hailey rolls her eyes.. "Men"

Steaks were totally spot on, this was a great spot, total thanks to our boss on the recommendation.
Haileys Pov:
I am stuffed, its been so long since ive had meat that suculant, i mean its been a while, since a tomahawk hit this girls tastebuds.
at the sametime i had such a gentleman sitting across from me, i love you babe.
now time for brisk walk down by the river. and then its time for some dessert, i giggle..
hes just so obssesed about how my dress looks. i blush.

jays pov:
best 220 i spent on a date, ever, she looks incredibly beautiful, and im lucky to be taking her home with me.
so river walk, and then dessert is next on my list..

by the way, babe, cookies?

she totally just brushes off my question trying to get in
my truck.. i laugh

babe its cold, heater please..

jay laughs heated seat coming right up...

she kisses my hand.

jays pov:
Cookies and vanilla milk..

she replies: and You baby..

you mean a little love.. as i kiss her

baby self control... she replies..

but your incredibly sexy i whisper in her ear..

she blushes, baby. the cookies she laugh..

oi vey, right the cookies..

haileys Pov:

God i love him.. every bit of him..

the nights been amazing, dinner was good, as we get home, walk into the kitchen..

since we didnt carry or bring our badges, one less thing to worry about..

as im about to drink some pomegrante juice,
instead of my usual water,

he decides he cant keep his hands in pockets and just comes up behind me, starts messaging my neck. and kisses my ears, and sniffs my hair that he loves so much. and then procedes to pick me up off my feet as i kick off my heels  and wrap my legs around his waist,

i try to kill the lights on the way up stairs while being spoiled by his kisses. and I am distracted by his


baby, i moan..

he gently lays me on our bed.. and just stops..
babe whyd you stop, he replies
why dont we cuddle and throw on a movie..

i laugh, babe..

so romance or action movie? or we can just watch SVU.

he rolls his eyes,  how about willy wonka?

i laugh thats a classic ive not seen in yrs.

i kiss him and lean back on his chest with cookies and whats left of this fantastic milk..

i love you babe.. as i begin to chow on this cookie..

these cookies are so good he says as he kisses my shoulder..

Jays POV:
As we're watching Willy Wonka, literally we both have the lines memorized. As I'm holding her in my arms, I'm just taken back to how much and how far we've come.. and in my mind, she's the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with,
I hope she knows how much I'm in love with her.

I'm the luckiest guy alive..
mid scene she turns around kisses me, while running her hands up my hoodie,
Your so warm babe, she kisses me.
Baby your hands are freezing.. I kiss her on the top of her head
I love you babe. I whisper..
She kisses me, I love you too babe.

And she hits me with it, baby she asks

How do you feel about us eventually getting married?

I get stopped in my tracks, babe one day I'm gonna
Marry you..

I promise.. your the sexiest woman alive..

She blushes.

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