Erin has arrived, and hailey is not having it

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Erin's Synopsis:
As I arrive to district 21 for a second time around, I am hoping this time around things are going to be a little easier, I'm sure Upton still has her eyes on me prior to the last time I was here. I'm sure she's still angry over Jay's injury for sure she blames me, I hope at some point Upton will be able to trust me...
Walking into the district I'm greeted by Trudy,
Good morning what can I do for you fed?
I'm here to speak to the intelligence unit, and can you please buzz me up.
Sure, and it's good to see you again Erin. Trudy replies.
Good to see you too Trudy.
As hank comes outta his office, Erin? Good morning he greets her?
Good morning Sargent, Erin hugs Hank.
Kim and Adam, come walking up, damn it's Erin? Adam laughs, good to see you again,
Kim hugs Erin long time no see, welcome back.
Good to see you guys.
Anyone hear from jay and Hailey?
Kim replies, sarge they got stuck in traffic, they'll be here shortly.
Speak of the devil jay walks in, good morning sarge.
As Erin is sitting in Haileys chair.
Erin jay says you may want to get out of her chair.
Adam stares, should we be worried?
Hailey comes walking in.
Here we go Adam replies.
Shut up Adam, Kim nudges Adam.
Erin & Haileys  awkward conversation.
E: Good morning detective Upton?
H: Morning, Fed!
E: so Hailey?
H:the hell do you want Erin.
E: just to be able to work side by side.
H: you can kiss my ass Erin.
E: I'm sorry? I was hoping to clear the air.
H: your sorry? Really?
E: look I know you hold me responsible for jay getting shot, I get it, and I understand if you don't trust me, but hear me out, what jay and I had, was different, and we were long time partners and I would never think to hurt him, I loved him, at one point. But I promise to not let anything bad happen this time around. I hope one day you can forgive me.
H: forgive you! I need more time to think about it, but if you compromise jay again? I swear you'll be held accountable.
E: what else is new..
H: are we done here?
E: yes we're done..
H: finally,..
Erin synopsis:
Shit, that went over well? Not the responses I wanted but can I blame her? I mean if she's gonna be angry fine, I am just going to remain professional, do my job hope and pray eventually I can gain Upton's trust. But for now I'll just stay outta her way..
Hank Synopsis:
Alright you guys good morning, as your aware that Erin is back here to work on another top priority case, the feds are so insistent that they needed intelligence to back them up trust me I know this is gonna be another long couple of
weeks, let's just get this done. Also I'm gonna scramble up partners again see how this goes.
Ruzek your with me.
Copy that sarge. Adam replies.
And that leaves
Hailey stumbles and mumbles to herself.
Babe, jay replies it's gonna be alright. I'm gonna be fine.
She winks, i hope so, I sure as hell hope so.
So it's settled then.

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