After a night, that i needed, im dreading going back under.

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Jays Synopsis:After one hell of a night filled with pizza, laughs, and just the  sight of my fiancé, and how incredibly beautiful it is, I can't help but not want to go back to work, I mean just being around Erin is awkward enough but it is what i...

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Jays Synopsis:
After one hell of a night filled with pizza, laughs, and just the  sight of my fiancé, and how incredibly beautiful it is, I can't help but not want to go back to work, I mean just being around Erin is awkward enough but it is what it is and
I've got a job to do,
luckily being a detective has its perks,
I'm probably gonna break away a from her again tonight..
Haileys Synopsis:
As my alarm literally sounds as loud as its ever been, i begin to slowly reach over to shut it off, I roll over to Jays side of our bed, and notice he's left one of his army hoodies, and long sleeves out with a note..

Didn't want to wake you? I really didn't wanna disturb you my love since you were in such a deep sleep.
if you ever feel like I'm not here or home with you feel free to throw these on for work, or to just lounge around the house, I love you, I will miss you, and I hope to see you soon"...
Your loving man

PS: I've also left a few things downstairs for you, if you need them..
God he's so sweet,
as I'm getting ready for work, after one of the best hot showers ever, i am really considering wearing one of jays hoodies to work even if it is a little too big.
I giggle as I put my hair up, Throw on a tactical shirt since it's gonna be freezing today. I'm probably gonna be on stand by most of  the day it  really doesn't matter to me..
heading down the stairs to grab my coffee, gun,vest, badge and boots.

I notice on my table I see a Glock. Some ammo, as well as a photo

 Some ammo, as well as a photo

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With yet another note.

My Love,
Just wanted to let you know how much I love you, and I want you to know how much i care and respect how protective you are over me, just know I'm going to be okay during this assignment, just continue looking out for me, and keep me informed with anything you think is not right or your gut is telling you, that you need to tell me.
I'll never be mad or angry.
Also enjoy your new 40, forgot to surprise you with it.
I'll see you soon.
Love you:
PS: I left breakfast in the the toaster oven on my way out❤️.
He's such a sweetheart, and he bought  me a Glock.
I guess I'll be switching out my 9mm.
I giggle..

Hailey Synopsis:
As I head to the district, thinking how I'm gonna be able to handle today without jay, at work again, knowing he's under with Erin today.
But at the same time, here I'm excited to be finally carrying a 40 I giggle.
But shit it's gonna be another cold one today. What else is new.
Finally no traffic, no crazy radio calls.. as I pull into 21, i see little miss Lindsay, god she pisses me off...
Deep breathe Hailey.. as I see jays truck coming outta the garage.
Jay waves at me, blows me a kiss.
Can't help but blush.// and then Erin just hops into my seat.. that little..
what ever..

As I'm in the bullpen, look down at my phone

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As I'm in the bullpen, look down at my phone. Seeing that it's jay.. I blush.
J:Good morning, you look incredibly sexy today, my little ray of sunshine, I love you..
H:good morning babe, have an interesting day with little miss, 😒. I love you..
J: Oi Vey, I love you too, don't let her get to you babe, also I will be coming home tonight, and if you want to cook, i am all for it, and maybe we can pick up more on last night🥰.
H: alright, well I will see you tonight love, I love you.
J: love you too babe, be safe out, also if you need more 40mm rounds, I've got 12 boxes in my Locker..
H:❤️ I'll keep it mind, talk to you later.

As I'm headed upstairs toward my desk, i am greeted by the smell of fresh espresso beans, as well as the tantalizing smell of cinnamon rolls.
Damn it smells good up in here. I giggle.
As I go to put my gun in my desk, incomes Kim with a fresh cup of expresso.
K: hails didn't know how you took you expresso but here you go.
H: it's perfect who brought this in?
K: it was all Jay. I mean he was here super early, and yeah he normally never ever brings anything.
H: I just blush. He's so sweet.
K:sure he is, he did it for you, as I hug hails.
H: so anything new?
K:not really at all, Adams been driving me crazy lately. Just this morning he had flowers sent to me.
H: Flowers? Really ?
K: giggles yep. But anyway, wondering if you wanna partner up today? Could use you on some city runs.

H: i am down.. let's go.

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