🏵💉Chapter 18: missing?💮🏵

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Lolbits font:bold
My font:normal
Errors font:underline
Kidnappers font:italics

Nobodys pov

Lolbit was looking around for error around the pizzaplex, because they were playing hide n seek.

Lolbit had been looking for error for over an hour now and they were starting to be worried.

After asking everyone, they went outside to see if error was going to try and scare lolbit.

Wasnt there. Lolbit ran back to errors room frantically, and found a note on the bed. The note read:

The note

We have kidnapped your little girl robot. If you want her back, go to this address.
(Insert address)
If we do not see you here in 24 hours, consider your little robot dead.

End of note

"THOSE BASTARDS!" Lolbit yelled out in frustration, then they ran to where the address was on their map.

Lolbit busted down the door and looked through all the rooms for error.

Using lolbits scanner, it said they were underground in the basement.

While lolbit was descending, they could hear errors voice laughing at them.

{Mustve learned that from me} Lolbit thought.

"Alright fuckers, I'm here. Now give me my daughter"

"Wow. When the boss said it would be an animatronic,  I wasnt expecting this sorry thing!"

The kidnapper kept laughing. "Stop laughing you immature stick of bamboo for a d-"

"SHUT UP! You want her? Come get her.
*loading his gun*"

"The kidnapper wants to fight eh? Well in that case, let's dance. "* pulls out 2 double sided scythes*
(One intense fight scene later)

Lolbits scythe sliced right through the mans stomach, and when they pulled it out the blood was pouring out in amounts I cannot describe.(gallons)

"That's cool and all, but can you untie me now dad?" Error asked.

"Oh yeah sorry my little psychopath"

Lolbit untied error and got them safe back home, and nobody questioned a thing.

Nobody had saw lolbit hide the body.  Or had there?

End of chapter

I needed the image of blood in my brain. Luv yall and happy mothers day.

The origin story Of Lolbit, Tangle, Glitch And VirusWhere stories live. Discover now