11- "I promise"

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TW-minor talk of suicide, medication and needles, seizures

There's something so comforting about silence Stan thought, as he wondered in eternal darkness. Stan succeeded he finally killed himself.

Relief flooded through his body, he smiled, for once feeling at peace. No more challenges, no more abuse, no more letdowns.

No more Kyle.

Stan couldn't help but grief at the thought of never having a future with Kyle, but it was for the best.

If that's what Kyle wanted Stan was happy.

As long as Kyle was happy.

Distant voices, pulled Stan out of his thoughts, without a thought Stan followed the source from where the voices were coming from, though Stan couldn't see anything, the voices became louder with each step he took.

"Shit Stan I'm so sorry" a voice whispered

Is that..


Before stan could do anything, a familiar voice caught his attention.

"please don't leave I need you"

Stan couldn't help but feel like he heard those words before.


Stan panicked

no no no why are they here, they shouldn't be here.

Kyle held stans hand, it was cold to the touch and lifeless,

making Kyle panic,

before he could panic any more a comforting hand gently grabbed his shoulder, reassuring Kyle everything would be alright.

Kyle didn't have to look up to know it was Kenny, Kenny had a comforting calm energy you could feel whenever near him. Making Kyle grateful he was here.

Otherwise he would've lost his mind by now.

A violent movement from the hospital bed, Stan Was laying on, claimed Kyles attention.

Stans body violently jerked, before continuously shaking.

"Shit shit shit" Kenny repeated panic taking over

"KENNY GET A FUCKING DOCTOR." Kyle screamed still holding onto stans hand, his grip tightened, he was scared to let go.

With out a thought Kenny headed to the nearest doctor, who immediately ran to the room Stan was in after hearing Kenny describing Stan to be "violently shaking'.

Multiple other nurses followed, all entering the small space Stan and Kyle were in.

"I'm sorry mr broflovski, but we need you to leave the room" one of the nurses said as calmly as she could.

"I c-can't.. I can't leave him again, I left him once and now he's in a fucking hospital bed because he tried to fucking kill his self" Kyle sobbed still holding onto stans shaky hand.

"Nurse we need him out the room!" One of the doctors exclaimed, while fiddling with needles, he was now sticking into stans pale skin.

"Kyle.. there's more of a chance of Stan living, If you let the doctors do their job, they need you to leave." Kenny said trying to stay calm, understanding why Kyle was scared.

"I know you're scared. I am too.. but please" Kenny pleaded, this was new to Kyle he never heard Kenny sound so vulnerable, he let out a shaky breath.

Finally letting go of stans hand.

Before quietly leaving the room, Kenny close behind.

"Something has caused him extreme stress, it's interrupted the connection between the nerve cells and brain, causing him to seize. Which means he must be conscious, we need to put him on sedatives. He'll be ok"

the doctor spoke letting the nurses know what was going on and what to do, once reassured he was ok, the nurses quickly went back to helping Stan while others returned to other patients care.

One nurse checked on Kenny and Kyle while letting them know what happened.

All they had to do now was wait.

The sound of repeating beeps and low chatter, played quietly in stans ears,

slowly Stan half opened his eyes, seeing nothing but a bright white light, blinding him from above, he immediately closed his eyes, wincing from the sudden reveal of light after seeing nothing but darkness for the last few hours.

After a second attempt, Stans eyes were finally fully open, observing his surroundings he realised he was in a hospital

well this isn't death Stan thought before letting out a bitter chuckle after realising he failed to kill himself.

Even death had failed him

After attempting to move, Stan groaned loudly in pain

The mix of alcohol, drugs, sedatives and one beating had really took a toll on stans body, restricting Stan from any sudden movements.

"Sh-iii-shii-tu" stan attempted to speak, the word coming out as a gibberish mumble, due to the sedatives still being in effect.

Once the nurses had realised Stan awoke, they did a few check ups on Stan, before finally letting Kenny and Kyle see him.

"Hi stan.." Kenny half waved before taking a seat next to him

"Hey ken.. you can you lecture me later, I'm kinda tired" Stan half smiled putting on a fake brave facade.

"Stan.. you could've spoke to me." Kenny said seriously, clearly not in the mood for stans jokes

Stan let out a shaky breath, trying to hold it together

"I know Kenny, I know I wasn't thinking in the moment" Stan lied

Stan couldn't bring his self to tell the truth, Stan had thought of both Kenny and his mum before attempting, thinking about how this was going to effect them. But he couldn't remove the thought from his mind that the positives outweighed the negatives.

His mum, would be able to work less and would be more financially stable, due to one less person to look after, she would actually have a life outside of work, she'd be able to go out to do exciting old women stuff with her friends and make Many great memories, she'd finally be happy.

Meanwhile Kenny wouldn't have to constantly look after Stan and go through the pressure of trying to help him, Kenny would actually be able to deal with his own problems without dealing with stans as well. He'd have more time to spend with butters, he wouldn't have to worry about a constant problem, because Stan wouldn't be there.

"Who found me" Stan asked quietly changing the subject, hoping Kenny didn't see through his lies.

"I did" a fragile voice came from the doorway

Stan turned,

A tall slender Kyle leaned on the doorway, one hand holding a coffee and the other hanging down by his side,

Stan examined Kyles face his eyes were puffy, newly developed purple eye-bags surrounded his eyes, making them look more sunken in than usual,

he still looked beautiful Stan thought.

He couldn't help but feel guilty, causing him to yet again want to down a bottle of whiskey. But that wasn't an option right now.

"I'm sorry." Stan replied

"I'm so sorry Kyle" he spoke every emotion in his tone.

Kyle gently walked towards Stan, grabbing his hand once again, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead

"Please don't leave me ever again"  he weeped letting his tears fall, while still holding onto Stan.

"I promise"

Style (stan x kyle) dude you're not a failure..Where stories live. Discover now