30- no more secrets.

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"Um yeah how did you know that" Stan asked rubbing his neck, clearly very uncomfortable.

"You talk in your sleep Stan.."

"Oh.. it's fine it was just a one of nightmare, don't worry about it." Stan smiled

Kyle looked at stans face and focused on his eyes

"Stan.. you're lying to me" he spoke quietly still staring into stans eyes.

Stan chewed on his lip

"How long have you been having those dreams Stan?" Kyle asked while caressing his cheek

Stan sighed rubbing his puffy purple eyes

"every night since then.."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to bother anyone.."

Kyle looked up at him nervously "Stan.. you need to speak to us, last time you didn't you turned to alcohol"

"Yeah I know.." "I'm sorry ky"

"you have nothing to be sorry for. Now come on let's go downstairs" Kyle smiled as he hopped of the bed.

Stans Pov

I watched Kyle leave the room, I opened my draw.

I stared at the half empty bottle of whiskey.

"This is what I'm sorry for Kyle" I muttered under my breath

The first few nights when Kyle was still in hospital, I felt anxious and on edge and there was only one thing that I knew took the edge of.


I can stop whenever I want it's just to calm myself down I told myself.


Oh shit yeah I forgot.


I headed towards the kitchen where Kyle was sat with a glass of water.

"Do you want some pancakes?" I smiled

"Um. No thanks I'm not hungry"

Kyle loves pancakes, he'd never turn them down

Hmmm oh shit that reminds me



"Why haven't you been eating or sleeping"


"When you passed out last night I got my mum to see what's wrong with you she said you've overworked yourself, that your blood pressure is low from not eating enough and that you're not sleeping.."

Kyles Pov

Oh fuck

I guess you could say I haven't eaten much since I got out of the hospital..

Ok I haven't ate anything.

I don't know ever since I was shot, I needed one aspect of my life I can control and that just happened to be food.

I've been restricting the amount of food I'm eating, which lead to none at all.

I just can't bring myself to eat.

Yes there's been a few times I've passed out in my room by myself but eventually I'd wake up.

I haven't slept much because I've been trying to get ahead on school work, something I do when I want to distract my thoughts instead of heading straight into my problem.

Style (stan x kyle) dude you're not a failure..Where stories live. Discover now