When they see you stress over work

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she's sat there watching you nearly fall asleep and cry that the same time and it breaks her heart, she walks over to you and pushes her work away, she will hold your hand and drag to you where she was sitting, you look at her puzzled but all she does is smile, you finally understand what she wants so you crawl onto her lap and rest your head, Sarah hums a song to you in a soft tone, she can see by the dark circles under your eyes that you haven't been sleeping, and she can see you've lost a little weight, she doesn't like seeing you in such a state, you are someone who's hard working but you still can't catch a break and she doesn't understand why, Sarah bans you from doing any work for a few days until you are fully recovered and you feel better.

Winnie is hard working herself and she will push herself until she can't anymore, but seeing you do it makes her upset, she likes the smiley happy you, not the you that looks so tried and fed up, so with a click of her finger all of your work is done, you turn around and see her smiling, you smile back obviously and thank her, you do ask her why she did that, she told you that you need a break and not to stress so much, you agreed because stress was because second nature to you at this point, even people who work their arse's off need a break, and Winnie could definitely see that, she only wanted the best for her girl.

dxflwlw and that is all your requests done dear! thank you so much I have a lot of fun writing them, if you have anymore please let me know

Sarah Sanderson and Winifred x female!reader preferences!!Where stories live. Discover now