59 - Secrets

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It had been a week since they came back from the Maldives. A week back since Abhimanyu had drowned himself in work. Between consultations, surgeries and working on the Children's ward, Abhimanyu was being stretched thin.

He had been working around the clock to the point where he didn't even have time to spend with Akshara.

He was pulling all-nighters, working round the clock —and definitely missing his bed and the woman who warmed it for him.

Just then, a knock was heard on his cabin door. "Come in." He frowned, frolicking through the patient files on his desk.

The door opened and a familiar scent hit his nose. He looked up, a smile of surprise lining his lips. "Akshara?"

"Hey you. I bought us lunch." She held out two lunchboxes and a tray of drinks as she slowly, but surely struggled her way inside his cabin.

Abhimanyu got up from his chair and helped lighten Akshara's struggle by taking the drinks tray from her hand and settling it on his desk.

"You didn't have to bring me lunch. I could have grabbed something from the cafeteria." Liar. He was delighted that she brought him lunch. Ecstatic.

"And miss the chance of seeing your beautiful face?" She grinned, looking up at him with hearts in her eyes.

Abhimanyu felt a blush creep up on his cheeks as he leaned down and captured Akshara's lips in a kiss, making her cheeks flush.

"I miss you." He sighed. In the last 7 days, he had probably spent less than 15 hours with Akshara.

"Me too."

Akshara curled her fingers along his chest as she went on her toes to brush her lips against his, softly, gently.

"Come. Let's eat. So I can get to work." She cleared her throat, trying to not get too carried away by Abhimanyu's presence.

Not to mention their sex life had been lagging behind too. In the last 7 days, they'd probably had sex 1 and a half times. The half attributed to his phone going off
—stopping them midway.

Abhimanyu and Akshara walked to the sofa and table and sat down. Akshara opened up the lunchbox bringing out a variety of food items she had cooked up, leaving Abhimanyu shellshocked.


"You weren't home so I got bored and decided to put forth my energy into cooking in my spare time." She explained.

After spending time at the community center, walking into an empty house had been difficult. So evidently, she had channeled all her yearning for Abhimanyu and his touch into cooking. Like normal people.

Akshara plated the food, torn off a piece of bread, dipped it into the semi-dry potato gravy she made and held it up to Abhimanyu's mouth.

Abhimanyu felt the corners of his mouth lip up in a smile before he opened his mouth wide, letting her feed him. Abhimanyu was quick to lick her fingers as they exited his mouth earning a playful glare from his wife.

"Abhi!" She scolded.

"Just making sure I got all the potato gravy." He answered cheekily.

Abhimanyu then grabbed a bit of fried rice on a spoon and held it up to Akshara's lips. Akshara closed her mouth over the spoon and took a bite, feeling overstuffed.

And the cycle continued, where Abhimanyu and Akshara enjoyed their lunch. Chatting away amidst a sea of giggles, laughter and blushing cheeks.


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