(42) Forgive Me

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As she hugged her mother, she could see when her father stepped out of his carriage.
He is a very handsome emperor with long hair and he was dressed in a red robe.
He stood there feeling very guilty, he didn't know how he could ask Wei Zhixin for forgiveness.
"Mother, I have so much to tell you!"
Yu Meixing smiled at her daughter, she had became more and more radiant and her hair was even more longer.
Wei Zhixin felt a pang of guilt as she said not a word to her father. Should she call him? Will he walk up to her? Will he?
"F...f..father" this was the first time she was calling him.
If it was back then, he would retort angrily.
"You cursed thing should never call me father. I am not your father. You can ask your mother where she had you from?"
But today, it was as if he smiled at her, he walked towards her with his head lowered.
"Wei Zhixin, I...I..." He only remembered calling that name on the day she was giving birth to. He was the one who named her, and ever since that day, he called her little witch if he wanted to talk about her.
Wei Zhixin looked at her father, not knowing what to say or do. Was he trying to apologize or he wanted to begin his shouting on her?
"I'm very sorry Wei Zhixin, I wish you could find a way to forgive me, I know I wronged you. Please, I shall make it up to you." He cried profusely.
Wei Zhixin watched her father as he even went on his knees. begging her as though as his life were in her hands.
"Father please don't kneel" she quickly helped him stood up.
"No Wei Zhixin, let me die here. I deserve a very big punition for all to he worse things I did to you and your mother. Please say something"
It was quite a deplorable scene, the emperor of mingshan empire kneeling at the outskirts of Sanxia empire crying like a baby and kneeling on the floor.
"Father, get up. It's okay" she helped him up from that ground and cleaned the dusts in his robes.
She held his hand. Though, she also felt like crying. Her father had wronged her but she was going to forgive him.
He was her father after all, and blood is much thicker than water.
Wei Zhixin hugged her mother lastly.
"I can't wait to tell you everything mother" she smiled. 
She suddenly remembered Shen Liqiang, don't tell her he stood there gawking at them?
He left for the palace as soon as he arrived.
* * * *
Emperor Wei Mingli dethroned Hu Zongying and enthroned Yu Meixing as the new empress of mingshan empire.
Wei Zhixin visited Mingshan, her half sisters and step mother looked at her with gritted teeth and clenched fist.
Wei Zhenzhen was probably like:
"She is marrying the one I am supposed to marry, I can't take this"
Wei Qingling was like:
"Goodness, I wish I could tear her eyes out"
While Tingmei was like:
"Life is full of injustice, despite all our treacheries, the tortures and tormenting we gave her, she is getting married before us. And not just to any man, but to my dream man" anger were clear in her eyes.
Wei Zhixin was never bothered.
"Let them do what they want, I already succeeded so let them try theirs too"
She talked and laughed with her brother.
"Wei Zhixin, I think we should stop talking about those pathetic stuffs and at least crack some jokes" crown prince Wei Zhijin said, feeling that Wei Zhixin had been talking about the pains she felt in the dark room were too much.
"You shall attend my wedding right?"

This book is ending soonest,
I really can't wait.

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