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TWs: Lieutenant General is a prick, and Clay has issues with thunder/lightning (so did Tord).

"You guys need a distraction?" Clay asked as he glanced between the three soldiers.

"Yep, someone to distract anyone that gets near the plane hangar. It should be easy for you, since how could anyone resist such an adorable face?" Tord explained.

"I'm not adorable! I'm cool." Clay corrected.

Tord smiled, "Whatever you say, lillebror."

Clay thought momentarily, "What am I getting out of this?"

The leader looked to Pau, who nodded as he moved to get something. The taller heaved a plastic bag over to the others. It was filled with Clay's favorite snack.

Clay gasped as he grinned, "Lollies!?"

The boy tried to grab it, but Tord stopped him with a swift hand on his shoulder, "Ah, ah, ah, Clay. First, we need you as a distraction. You'll get the lollies after."

The younger one huffed as he crossed his arms, "Fine..."

"Great! Here's what you'll do..."


"Is this everything?" Tord asked Pat as he and Pau placed the boxes next to the plane.

"Should be." Pat nodded.

"Okay, here goes." The leader gave Clay a thumbs up, indicating they were ready for the kid to be the lookout and distraction.

Clay grinned as he got in position outside the plane hangar, guarding the entrance with his arms crossed and a scowl. He was prepared.

Tord began working quickly on the plane, using his left hand to hold tools and giving Pau and Pat instructions on where things went.

'So far, so good...' Tord thought as he finished with the new propellers.

Outside the hangar, Clay was starting to get tired of being lookout. There was nothing to look out for.

"Oi, what's with all the noise in there?" A soldier walked up to Clay, startling him out of his thoughts. Clay realized this guy was one of the higher-ranking soldiers.

"L-Lieutenant General!" Clay stuttered, wide-eyed, "What are you doing out here...?"

The Lieutenant glared at him, "What I always do, runt. Make sure no one is doing anything they're not supposed to."

Clay held his tongue at the phrasing of his sentence. He was being mocked. He hated being ridiculed. He wasn't a kid, and he was planning on showing everyone there how mistaken they were.

"Now, can I get a clear answer?" He asked.

Clay glanced around for a second before coming up with an excuse, "Some guys are doing renovations!"

"Oh, really?" The Lieutenant didn't seem to believe Clay.

"Yep, y'know... fixing lightbulbs, making sure the planes are in proper conditions to fly. Wouldn't want any pilots to crash land, am I right?"

The broad-shouldered man was silent for a bit, making Clay worry.

Then he spoke, "Just who signed off on these so-called 'renovations' exactly?"

Clay froze, his mouth opening and closing, "U-Uhm..."

"Red Leader did." A voice spoke behind Clay. They both turned toward the voice, seeing Pau with a cigarette in his mouth.

Chained In ServilityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora