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TWs: Tord's confused, savage Matt, alcohol & drunk Tom, tension & awkwardness, use of chloroform, and insinuated kidnapping.

Tord was hanging out at Matt's place a few days later, playing Uno. They didn't have anything else to do and were bored out of their minds, so they decided to play.

"How long have you liked Edd?" Matt spoke, startling Tord out of his daze.

"Way to start a conversation, Matthew." Tord smiled abit as he put a card down, "Why do you ask, anyway?"

"I'm bored, and I want to know." Matt sighed as he had to draw a card.

"Since the summer before our last year of high school. It took me months to find out I liked him." Tord rolled his eyes at his idiocy back then.

"What was happening at that moment?"

"I dunno- Edd was being his lovable, playful self when I started to feel weird." Tord grumbled, "I've felt romantic attraction before, but being sexually attracted to someone is a whole new level."

"You've never felt sexually attracted to anyone?" Matt tilted his head.

"No, was I supposed to?" Tord quirked a brow. Judging by the look on Matt's face, Tord frowned, "Huh- well, that's news to me."

"Who were you romantically attracted to then?"

"Well, I did feel attracted to Edd before it became more prominent... but I think there was a girl at the time who I thought was interesting. That was only a romantic feeling- and it never became more than that."

Matt only nodded, groaning when he had to draw another card.

"You suck at this game." Tord chuckled, putting down a card, "So, how's your crush?"

"Oh, he always says he could be better."

"I meant, how's your relationship with him?"

"Great- we've been talking a lot lately." Matt grinned as he swayed in his chair.

"That's good." Tord paused, "And when will you tell me his name?"


"You say we've met in passing, yet I don't recall you introducing me to anyone else- aside from Edd and Tom."

Matt looked at Tord in contemplation. He could tell him the truth- or he could let Tord figure it out himself.

"And I need to make sure he's not some creep." Tord squinted his eyes.

The ginger waved his hand, "He isn't a creep, Tord, trust me."

"Can you at least tell me about him?"

Matt sighed as he began to talk about his 'small' crush, "Well, he's shorter than you, has dark skin, and his eyes are mesmerizing. He's quite laid-back and unique. He gets annoyed easily, but it's mainly my fault in the first place... he plays an instrument and listens to- distinctive music, and he has some piercings."

It didn't take Tord long to connect the dots. It took him a moment to get a sentence out.

"I've never felt more betrayed in my life," Tord uttered.

"Now you know how it feels," Matt said without thinking, making them both freeze.

The Norsk looked at Matt with varying emotions.

"Uhm- I honestly didn't mean-"

"Pfft- hahHAHAH!" Tord cut him off by laughing, "HaHAh, wow!"

The ginger looked at him with wide eyes, watching as he laughed about it.

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