77 10 8

TWs: Betrayal, manipulation, gaslighting, and panic attack/hyperventilating

Tord stared in shock as he looked at who he thought was his friend.

Pau had a distant look on his face, not meeting Tord's gaze.

"Pau?" Tord stepped forward, "You're working for him?"

The ruffled brunette opened his mouth but was cut off by the General, "He's working with me- isn't that right, Pau?"

Pau looked at the General with a frown. Instead of speaking, he slowly nodded.

"Bullshit!" Tord yelled, "You're manipulating him into working for you! Pau, look at me and tell the truth."

The General looked at Pau with guile, "Go on- tell the truth, Pau."

Pau looked at Tord, rubbing his neck with a bandaged hand.

'His hand wasn't plastered before.' Tord quirked an eyebrow.

The tall soldier met the ex-leaders gaze, "It's the truth- I am working with him."

"You're lying." The shorter shook his head in unease.

"No, I'm not," Pau spoke firmly.

Tord sucked in a breath, "How? Why?"

It looked like Pau wanted to speak, but Lynnedslag cut him off again, "It doesn't matter now. All that matters is you; and your little demon 'friend' over there."

Tom was caught off guard by the General acknowledging him as a 'demon.' No one was supposed to know he was possessed. How did this random guy know about it?

"We'll be back later to initiate what we lost all those years ago..." The General glared at Tom when he said that statement, making him wary.

Pau pressed a button on the other side of the glass, making the wall ascend back into place where it was before.

Tord felt lightheaded as he backed up against the wall. He felt the walls closing in on him all over again as he kneeled against the wall in a fetal position and held himself with the only arm he had. Holding himself tightly, he bit his lip as he tried not to cry.

"You need to breathe, dumbass."

Looking up slightly, he saw Tom sitting in front of him. There was a frown on his face as he looked at Tord. The Norsk let out the breath he was holding, coughing a bit as he tried to control his breathing. Tears rushed to his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. He tried to say something, but it came out in wet mumbles.

"I don't want to hear you talking; it sounds like a drowned puppy. Just take a deep breath, in and out."

Tord nodded, remembering what he did for Matt whenever he was panicking. He slowly inhaled and exhaled until his heart was steady. Even if his heart was stable, it was still aching from pain at the revelation.

His friend, who he thought a father figure, was now working for- with his father. Pau practically raised him whenever his mom was busy. He even raised him after she died, though he was distant at first.

"Commie? You alright?" Tom questioned.

"I'm-" His voice cracked abit, "I'm fine."

Now he really did know what it felt like.

There was a movement behind Tom, making Tord look up. Tom followed his gaze to the wall as it descended again.

It wasn't who Tord was expecting, but he was relieved to see them.

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