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TWs: Internalized homophobia, mention of slurs/homophobia/being kicked out/losing friends due to sexuality. Stay safe :)

"Woah, did a tornado pass through here?" Edd asked, glancing around Tom's room.

"Huh?" Tom looked up from where he was analyzing two sets of clothes, "Oh, sorry, I was looking for clothes."

Edd picked up articles of clothing off the floor, "You aren't looking hard enough."

The bassist rolled his eyes, "I meant nicer clothes."

"As in formal?" The taller looked at him in surprise, "What, did Matt set you up on a date or something?"

"You could say that." Tom smiled.

Edd quirked an eyebrow, confused. Then he hummed, "Have fun then."

Tom returned to examining the sets of clothes before him as Edd cleaned up his room. He eventually settled on a black long-sleeve button-up and a checkered tie.

Edd looked at him funny when he chose the checkered tie.

"Have any other ideas?" Tom prompted.


Tom stood at Matt's door, scratching his covered wrists as he hesitated to knock.

'Now or never...' He told himself as he knocked on the door.

When the door opened, Tom felt his jaw drop at Matt's appearance. He wore a flowy dark purple long-sleeve dress that reached his knees, small stars scattered all over it, a pearl chain belt at his waist, and short black heels. Star earrings dangled from his ears as he rocked in place.

"Tom?" Matt smiled as he poked at his face, "Tommy?"

"You look gremazing," Tom spoke.

"Gremazing...?" Matt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I meant to say great and amazing."

"Oh," Matt flushed, "Thank you. Uh, shall we go?"

Tom hummed, "Yes, let's go..."

There was a pause as Tom thought about where they should go.

"You don't have a plan, do you?" Matt chuckled.

"No..." Tom looked down shamefully.

"We can always walk around to see what there is to do." The taller beamed.

"Yeah." The shorter shrugged.

"Come on, then!" Matt grabbed Tom's hand, leading them to the elevator.


As they walked along the city, gazes from passersby lingered on Matt. He didn't let it get to him, choosing to focus on what Tord said to him.

Tom was starting to freak out at all the glances he was receiving, suddenly more aware of his sexuality and what some people thought about it.

He felt Matt graze his hand against his, prompting Tom to swiftly stuff his hands in his pockets. The bassist regretted it when he saw the hurt look on the ginger's face.

Roaming into a park, Matt perked up when he saw the flowers.

"The dahlias bloomed!" He exclaimed as he looked at the array of Dahlia flowers.

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