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TWs: A sad ginger (Matt), fear/anxiety, Tord wants to apologize (but also knows that a 'sorry' isn't good enough)

Once Tord woke up, he found that he was refreshed for once. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in years.

He decided to get up, untangling his limbs from the sheets. He chose not to put on his metal arm yet, instead doing the best he could at tying his hoodie sleeve to cover the fact he was missing an arm. To him, it was pretty obvious he was missing an arm, but a lot of people here are idiots.

The ex-leader waltzed into the living area and saw no one, making him question if this was reality.

'Huh, usually Pat would be up by now...' He thought. He peeked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table. Picking it up, it basically said they left to move everything into the flat and not to set the whole building on fire.

Tord took offense to the last part. He could take care of himself. Glancing in a hall mirror showed he still had bandages and a missing arm. He sighed. Mostly.

Then there was a knock on the door as Tord threw the note away. He raised an eyebrow, hoping it wouldn't be the police as he walked over and opened it.

Tord mentally sighed as he realized it was the lady from early this morning.

"Good afternoon; I forgot to give you these." The lady handed over three golden nameplates and a pack of black dry-erase markers, "They aren't required, but they can be fun to decorate."

Tord took them in his left hand, trying to keep his grip on the items, "Oh, thanks..."

"Eos." She smiled, then turned to leave, "Ha en fin dag!"

She skipped down the hallway to the lift, leaving Tord standing in his doorway.

'That was perfect pronunciation...' Tord thought as he shut the door. He glanced down at the things he was clutching tightly, 'I'm gonna need my robot arm.'

When Tord clicked on his robot arm, he set to work on the nameplates. He wrote his name first, then Pau, and then Pat. He would let them decorate theirs; he was more focused on his.

Then came the surprisingly hard part, placing the nameplates on the door. Every time he placed a nameplate, it would either slide too far to the right or not enough to the left. It frustrated Tord that he couldn't get these stupid plates to be perfectly centered.


A ginger-haired person walked the streets holding up a special mirror. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings much, only to the mirror he was talking to.

Yes, he was talking to the mirror. He only did that when he was alone- er, without his friends near him since he was still in public. Some passersby gave him strange looks, while others paid no mind since they'd seen weirder things.

"I just feel like I don't get the respect that I deserve. I should be receiving the same amount of respect that Edd and Tom are." He frowned, then came to a realization, "Unless I'm the problem. Am I the problem? Have I been the problem this whole time?"

He looked at his enchanted mirror for a moment, only seeing his reflection.

Matt sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I do need to have a day for self-care. All this negative thinking is bad for my health."

He stepped into an apartment complex, noticing the landlord behind the desk.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle Eos!" He greeted, "How's your sibling?"

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