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TWs: Mentions of an apocalypse, insinuated isolation, power outage, and tension.

The game night began after Tord's phantom pains subsided to a tolerable level, him hosting it in his flat.

They decided to play Monopoly first, much to Matt's dismay and Tord's enjoyment.

A few minutes into the game, and Matt's complaining, is when Edd decides on a topic.

"Who are the other people in these pictures, Tord?" He glanced around the kitchen area, noticing a few picture frames that held unfamiliar faces.

"Hm?" Tord turned around in his chair to look, "Ah, those are my other friends, You and Yan. You can get a little destructive when it comes to planning, action, and anything explosive or flammable, and Yan is more under control, reserved, and patient, which makes sense since he's mainly used for sniping."

There was a silence after that as Tord rolled the dice.

"What about the kid?" Edd continued, peering at a picture capturing Tord and a brunette kid with a white cap sitting on the grass, holding and looking down at a blueprint.

Tord smiled abit, "That's Clay, a boy I decided to take in during an apocalypse. I didn't want to take him in at first since I was on a mission and wasn't looking for any distractions. After saving him from a hoard of zombies, however, I noticed he was following me. I wasn't looking to kill a child, and Pat said he could be used as a distraction later on, so I agreed. He's like a little brother to me now."

"Have you talked to them recently?" Matt piped in.

"No, cellphones are forbidden in the army base- in order to communicate, they would have to use a pay phone in the nearest town. I was lucky enough to disguise Pau and Pat's phones so they wouldn't alarm my father of suspicious activity." Tord explained.

"Wow, that's... a lot," Edd mumbled.

"You surprisingly get used to it after being alone with your thoughts for a day and a half."

No one replied to that, opting to continue the game.

Pau opened the door to the apartment, hearing voices coming from the other room when he stepped inside. He glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 1720.

Walking into the kitchen and dining area, he saw Tord and the others playing Uno. He went behind Tord, took a glance at his cards, and winced at his hand.

"Wat zijn die kaarten...?" Pau muttered.

"Hold kjeft," Tord grumbled as he put a card down.

"Je hebt het erger gemaakt." The ruffled brunette snickered.

"Jeg vet hva jeg gjør..." Tord glared at him.

"Als jij het zegt..."

"Are we missing something?" Edd asked.

"No, he's just distracting me." The Norsk said.

Pau shrugged, ruffling Tord's hair, "Well, someone has to do it."

The Nederlander decided to watch it play out, looking at his phone in between moves.

"Uno!" Tord grinned as he played a card, holding one more in his hand.

"Uno." Matt slumped in his seat, "Finally..."

"It's been a long time since you've gotten Uno, Matt." Tom gave him a teasing smirk.

"I didn't ask for commentary." The ginger whined.

After Tom and Edd went, Tord gave a mischievous grin at Edd's +4 card.

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