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TWs: Hospital/scars mention, the same cliff, graves/death of a loved one, not remembering, self-deprecation/insecurities, and falling off a (small) bridge. Stay safe :)

After a few weeks of recovery, the three were released from the hospital. Not without scars, of course.

Before they decided to go back to England, Pau told Tord there was one more place he would like to visit.

Everyone, except Pat, was wary when Pau brought them to the army base. Then the others were confused when he showed them a path leading up to a cliff.

Pau stopped when he stood across from the grave, turning to Tord, "I'm sorry I didn't show you this place sooner. I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

The taller stood aside, allowing Tord to see the grave. The Norsk stood frozen for a moment as he stared silently at the inscription.

Then he slowly sat on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"Mamma..." He whispered.

Pau kneeled beside him, comforting Tord the best he could.

Tom looked at the scene, empathy lacing his features. He glanced around the scenery, feeling tranquil for once. His void eyes then landed on another grave not too far from them.

This piqued his interest, so he decided to investigate. Edd and Matt noticed him walking off, so they decided to follow him.

'I want to go out with a BOOM, not a BANG- explosions are so much cooler, y'know?'

When Tom read the inscription, he froze. That name looked familiar to him, but why? It was a fairly common name.

"Who's Theresa?" Edd asked behind Tom.

Pau noticed them gathered around the other grave, deciding to speak on it, "She was a friend of Snefrid."

Edd and Matt nodded and left it at that, but Tom decided to ask a question, "What did she look like?"

Everyone looked at him, even Tord peeking up a bit.

"Uh- Tom?" Edd looked at him in concern, "Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know- I just have to," Tom replied, looking at Pau.

Pau glanced around as he hesitated to answer, "She looked like she could've been a relative of yours."

Tom said nothing, opting to walk away. He heard some of the others calling after him, but he ignored them.

The others watched him leave, Pau sighing afterward, "Damn it..."

"I'll go get him," Matt spoke, walking in the direction Tom went.

Tom's wounded leg was getting tired, so he chose to rest on a stone bridge that arched over a river. He sat on the railing where his feet dangled off, deciding to reflect.

Now he knew what it was like to be Matt- he couldn't remember anything about his parents.

Specifically, his parents.

It was like his parents were cut off from him.

He wished it was the same with his aunt and uncle.

Matt watched the bassist for a bit, admiring his beauty. He didn't usually call anyone beautiful except himself, but that was because he was insecure and needed validation. Tom made the ginger want to focus on his natural beauty more.

Matt walked up, leaning against the railing, "Hey."

Tom jumped, not expecting anyone to follow him, especially Matt.

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