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TWs: Nervousness/anxiety, lying, taking a risk, panicking, vampire Matt doesn't have a pulse.

"It's honestly not fair how good they are at every game we play!" Matt whined as he whisked dry and wet ingredients together.

"Even VSIV?" Tord quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, no." Matt smirked, "Nobody can beat me at Vampire Slayer IV."

"I did." Tord grinned.

"What!?" Matt exclaimed.

Tord laughed, "Relax, it was only one time. I doubt I can do it again."

The ginger just glared at him, deciding to finalize preparing the cookie swirls he was baking.

"Besides, I only won because I distracted you." The Norsk said, leaning against the counter.

Matt frowned as he finished placing the tray in the oven, "I'm not an easy person to distract."

Tord raised an eyebrow, "Hey, look, a spider."

The taller shrieked as he got behind Tord, "Oh my Aphrodite- where!?"

Once Matt saw Tord's mischievous grin, he huffed and swatted the shorter's shoulder.

"Tord! Don't scare me like that!" Matt complained.

The Norwegian shrugged, "Sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself."

After setting the kitchen timer, Matt looked to his friend, "Tord, when you lived with us, did you join our game nights?"

Tord hummed, picking at his nails, "Sometimes... usually when I wasn't busy with my inventions."

"Can you join our next one?" Matt asked.

The shorter scoffed; the idea of a game night after what happened seemed horrible. Tord was about to make it clear to Matt that it was a bad idea until he saw the look on the ginger's face. He was messing with his hoodie strings, biting his lip, and couldn't quite meet Tord's gaze. Tord sighed, deciding to word it more nicely.

"I don't think the others will agree to it," Tord spoke.

Matt stopped his fidgeting, glancing back and forth at who knows what, "Maybe I can convince them."

Tord rolled his eye, "Good luck with that."

As they were waiting for the oven, Tord decided to get his new and hopefully improved memory gun from his flat.

When he reached the hallway, he noticed the door to Edd's flat shut close. He shrugged it off, opting to retrieve his memory gun.

Once he obtained it, he heard a faint scratching sound outside his flat. Opening the door and peering across the hall, he saw a grey tabby cat with darker stripes.

"Ringo...?" Tord voiced. Ringo recognized the sound of her name, turning towards Tord curiously.

Tord kneeled, holding out a hand towards the grey tabby cat, "Come here, lille en."

Ringo hesitated for a moment before bringing herself forward. She sniffed his left hand cautiously. After a few seconds, she let out a lengthy meow as she rubbed against Tord's hand.

"It's nice to know you forgive me..." Tord muttered as he petted Ringo.

The light brunette didn't notice the door across the hall opening. He did hear a shaking of a container, though.

"Ringo, come!" Edd spoke, shaking a cat treat container.

Ringo perked around at the sound of her owner's voice and the contents of the container, trotting over to Edd's flat to get some treats.

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