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TWs: Deep conversation, feelings of overwhelming sadness

Matt hummed as he looked at his calendar, scanning the notes he wrote in purple gel pen.

'Let's see what I planned today...' He thought as he looked at the date, then smiled upon realizing it was his self-care day, 'Yay! The day where it's all about my well-being!'

Except, he had no idea what to do first. He's never had a day all to himself before. What even was self-care?

At that thought, Matt decided to look it up, researching everything about self-care on his phone.

'Huh...' Matt pondered as he read some articles, then smiled, 'This is perfect!'

Matt waltzed into his kitchen, getting out one of his recipe books and looking for a recipe he hasn't tried.

The ginger hummed as he saw something. His smile faded since it was the hardest thing ever to bake.


He sighed, willing to try it anyway, 'French ancestry, don't fail me now...'

He rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

Once he put the macarons in the oven to bake and set a timer, there was a knock on his door.

'I thought I told Edd and Tom I had plans today,' He thought as he walked over to the door and opened it, "Tord?"

"Figured you'd want your container back." He held it up.

"Oh, sure," Matt said as he took it.

"Were you baking?" Tord asked, gesturing to Matt's lavender apron.

"I was! Figured I'd try to make macarons." The ginger smiled.

Tord laughed at that, "Agh, I remember when we tried to make macarons during our high school years; we had to deep clean everything."

Matt quirked an eyebrow but smiled anyway, "Would you like to try a macaron?"

The Norsk looked at him, surprised, "Oh, sure."

After Matt let him in, he went to check the timer. He hummed, "There's still a few minutes left, then I have to wait for them to cool before piping them."

"Well, what should we do in the meantime?" Tord asked, deciding to sit on the couch.

Matt looked at the self-care ideas he had, then at Tord. He gasped as he exclaimed, "Stay here; I'll be right back!"

The ginger sped off to a different room, leaving Tord alone.

'Where would I go...?' Tord frowned.

There were a few concerning noises in the room that Matt went in before he returned with a black and silver expensive-looking box in his hands.

Matt placed it on the coffee table, pressing a button on the top that flipped it open to reveal three areas.

Two of the areas consisted of nail polish, while the last consisted of nail files, polish remover, clippers, and stuff to decorate nails.

The timer in the kitchen dinged, "Pick any color; I'll be right back."

Matt practically danced into the kitchen.

Tord looked down at all the colors. The bottles were see-through and neatly arranged in rainbow order.

He analyzed the bottles carefully, 'Huh, one of the blue colors has been used a lot compared to purple or green.'

The Norsk decided to pick a darker shade of red than his hoodie.

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