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TWs: Mentioned experiments/experimentation, using people as weapons, be careful of the file descriptions, mentioned blood, and someone was shot. Stay Safe :)

"I feel stiff," Matt whined as he looked down at himself in the Red Army uniform.

Edd huffed as he adjusted the overcoat, "Suck it up, Matt; this is for Tord and Tom."

'I miss Tom.' The ginger uttered to himself.

Pat was used to wearing a uniform, though he felt a bit antsy in one now.

"Alright, gang, let's go over roles." You spoke, looking at Yan.

"Okay, so- Edd, you're with Clay-"

Pat cut him off, "We're really bringing the kid into this?"

"Oi!" Clay yelled.

Yan sighed, "Despite being young, Tord has taught him a few techniques even we don't know."

"I've been practicing every day!" The kid grinned.

"Anyway, Edd is with Clay- you two will be heading to the War Room, where the General likes to plan everything and send out commands to soldiers. Tord will probably also head there after grabbing a weapon, which he'll find just about anywhere in this base. Matt, you're with You- you two will be the distraction. If anyone finds anything out, make a noise, divert their attention, anything to get them off our trail."

Yan looked at Pat, their eyes saying the same thing.

"Let's get this over with," Pat muttered. Yan nodded.

"If anyone gets into trouble-" The ravenet got cut off by his partner.

"I have smoke and flash bombs!" You exclaimed as he pulled out a duffel bag and opened it, "They have symbols on them, so you can tell which is which."

Yan sighed, "That works too."


Tord and Tom walked the halls of the underground lab, the Norsk glancing at the bassist every other minute.

Tom was annoyed with the stares, but he could've sworn he's been here before. It all seemed familiar, yet it was all new to him.

They came across a door at the end of a hallway that turned left. They looked at each other before Tord opened the door. It creaked slowly, indicating it hadn't been open in a while.

The room was covered in dust and cobwebs. There was a sleek grey desk in the corner of the room with a white office chair behind it. A few bookcases held a variety of books about the world and evolution. A whiteboard was in the other corner of the room, still containing some scientific writing. Tord walked up to the desk, seeing a nameplate with the name 'Arthur H' on it.

He looked around the desk some more, seeing a few papers that didn't seem fascinating until he got to a sticky note.

'This is for Wyatt A.A. Turrah'

Tord gasped, nearly choking on dust particles. Tom looked at him weirdly.

"What the fuck has been going on with you, commie?" He asked as Tord finished coughing.

Tord smiled, "Wyatt A.A. Turrah!"


"My favorite scientist and inventor ever!" Tord exclaimed, "He's done just about everything- he's what I aspire to be."

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