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TWs: Mention of shooting, experiments/experimentations, death mention, using people as weapons, actual weapons (aren't used yet), and divorce mention. Stay safe :)

Matt ran down the hallway, clutching the file he read under his arm, ignoring the soldiers he passed along the way.

'Fifth door on the left, fifth door on the left, fifth door on the- here!' He skidded to a stop, opening a door before shutting it behind him quickly.

"Tom!" He gasped as he saw the bassist sitting against the wall. One of his legs had been bandaged with Tord's hoodie sleeve.

"Matt?" Tom rasped as he relaxed.

Dropping the file next to them, Matt kneeled and pulled Tom in for a hug, embracing him tightly.

"You're okay..." Matt sighed in relief.

"Of course, I'm okay- I was only shot in the leg." Tom grew red as he tensed up when the ginger hugged him, yet leaning into the hug anyway.

Matt leaned away, cupping Tom's face, "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Tom grew hot as his heartbeat raced, "Uh- no, I don't think so."

"Are you sure? You're awfully warm." Matt spoke as he felt his face, "And I can hear your heartbeat."

Tom grabbed the taller's wrists and pulled them away from his face, "I'm fine, Matt, stop."

'Did I make him uncomfortable?' Matt questioned himself as he glanced at the file beside them.

Once Tom calmed down, he noticed the file, gesturing to it, "What's that?"

"I was wondering if you knew." Matt handed the file to him.

As Tom read the cover of it, his eyes widened, 'Rage Demon? So they do know about it...'

He flipped it open, seeing someone familiar. Those void eyes, that brown hair that was usually in a loose bun-

"Mom?" He whispered, touching the picture attached to the page.

"So that is your mom?" Matt looked at him.

"Yeah, she died when I was younger. I don't remember her, only that she had eyes like mine." Tom smiled, "As well as a song she always used to sing to me."

He continued to read the file, expression changing when he read the description.

"What? That- That's not true. It wasn't her fault- this is bullshit." He fumed as he read the page.

"Then, what is the truth?" Matt asked.

Tom hesitated, "My family... well, mostly my mom's side of the family has always been attuned to otherworldly creatures, otherwise known as 'demons.'"

Matt looked confused, making the bassist sigh.

"We're basically cursed." Tom deadpanned.

"Ooohhhh." The ginger nodded.

Tom turned to the next page, blinking a few times as he stared at the picture. He was silent for a while, going over the page, clenching his hands when reading the description. Matt watched as he furrowed his eyebrows in anger, and his eye twitched. He could've sworn his fingers were turning a dark purple.

"Tom?" Matt mumbled quietly, gazing at his friend with worry.

"I'm-" He took a deep breath to calm himself, "I'm fine. I just can't believe it..."

He was about to close the file until Matt stopped him, "You might want to read the next page."

Tom quirked an eyebrow, then flipped to the third page. His eyes widened when he saw Pau's picture, skipping to read the description.

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