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TWs: Nightmare (the only major one)

All he saw was red. All he heard were voices. It was tight, with barely enough room to move around. There was yelling, then an explosion. Multiple explosions. He tried to kill someone. He did kill someone. He was trying to get out scott-free with his invention. He moved his arm just in time for a harpoon to go straight through the metal and into his control panel.

This was a time to panic. The robot was malfunctioning all because of a measly harpoon. Systems were shutting down, and it felt like the metal was crushing around him. Instead, it blew up in his face. He blacked out for a minute.

Everything hurt, and his body felt like it was on fire. He still smelled the smoke when he woke up again. He couldn't feel his arm or a part of his face. It was all dead.

It felt like he was dead.

Tord woke up with a gasp. His chest heaving as he glanced around the room. He let out a few breaths to calm himself.

He slowly got out of bed to get a glass of water. He tiptoed to the kitchen, stopping as he saw another person.

"Pau...?" Tord whispered. The taller was on his phone, looking as if provoked by something that was on his phone.

Pau was startled by Tord's sudden presence, turning around and quickly putting his phone in his pocket, "Kid, what are you doing up?"

"Uhm... couldn't sleep." Tord lied, "You?"

"Same." Pau crossed his arms as he leaned against the counter.

Tord went by him to get a glass from the cabinet, "Makes me wish to have Pat's ability to sleep through anything."

Pau chuckled softly, "Having Pat's ability to sleep through an entire fleet of Black Army soldiers fighting the Red Army? No thanks."

The ex-leader smirked as he used his left hand to grab a glass, turn on the faucet, and carefully pour some water in, "That alarm couldn't even wake him up."

"He wakes up when he wants to," Pau said.

"Which is never when I need him." Tord pouted as he carefully sipped from the glass of water.

"If you want to complain about his sleep schedule, go ahead." The ruffled brunette challenged.

"Uh- no thanks." Tord grimaced, "I'd rather keep my limbs intact."

Pau glanced at where his robot arm would go, quirking an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean." The light brunette muttered.

"Mhm." The taller hummed as he ruffled Tord's hair, making him swat at his hand, "Still feel tired?"

"Not really." Tord smiled a bit.

Pau was silent for a moment, glancing around the room, "We could watch TV until we pass out."

The Norsk's eyes widened, "Ja, takk!"

Pau chuckled as Tord nearly tackled him in excitement, "Oké, oké. Come on."


'What's that noise...?' Pat groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He glanced over to the other side of the bed, noticing that Pau wasn't there, 'Huh, he never gets up before me...'

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