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TWs: Tord not understanding feelings, non-threatening threats (is that a thing?), and playful teasing.

The walk to the arcade seemed to go by quickly; Matt and the others chatted with each other further ahead while he lagged behind. It gave Tord time to think and re-evaluate.

Perhaps he was abit too honest with Edd for that comment at game night, and that was why the taller was avoiding him. He hasn't seen the trio for over eight years; many things change over time, even who you think are friends or enemies.

Tord sighed, having trouble deciphering why Edd was upset. Surely he'd be the most understanding. He always was.

The Norsk shook his head. He didn't understand feelings, just in general. He couldn't figure out what he was feeling most of the time, so why try to figure out what someone else was feeling? He couldn't comprehend his own.

It took him months to figure out he had feelings for his best friend, precisely nine months and eighteen days of perplexity over his emotions.

Tord looked up when he heard Edd laugh at something Matt said. He frowned when he felt his heart skip a beat.

The feeling never seemed to fade away, only growing more every day.

He bit his lip and looked away from the trio.

Tord never liked the feeling.


Seeing the bright lights of the arcade made Tord feel nostalgic. The overall dark room with bright LED lights lining the place that could make someone go blind, and the sticky floor at the entrance that Tord missed so much.

As he shuffled his foot on the floor, Tord realized that maybe he didn't miss it as much.

He also didn't like the screaming from that one kid who was at a shooting game.

Tord decided to ignore it; for now; and instead go over to the prize corner, where Pau seemed to be on duty.

"Heeeeyyyyy, Paaauuuu... fancy seeing you here," Tord smirked as he leaned against the counter, resting his head in his hand.

Pau rolled his eye, "Please don't make me set ground rules for you, Tord."

"I know... play nice." Tord frowned.

Then he heard the same kid who screeched earlier throw a tantrum by screaming at the game more. Tord's eye twitched.

"Er du sikker på at jeg ikke kan sende ett barn på båre?" Tord questioned.

Pau gave him a look, furrowed eyebrows, and everything.

"Nei? Okay..." The Norsk grumbled as he glanced around to see what the others were doing.

He first went to Matt, who was at the claw machine. He chuckled as he watched the claw drop the item that missed the dispenser by a few centimeters.

Matt cried in dissatisfaction, "Pouah, allez!"

"Need help?" Tord asked.

The ginger sadly nodded, "I've tried five times already..."

Tord was about to ask how he attempted that many times when they just arrived a few minutes ago, but it was Matt.

The Norsk put a token in the machine, immediately focusing on the task in front of him. He bit his tongue as he slowly maneuvered the claw above the novelty toy. He looked over to Matt to see if it was the right one, to which the ginger nodded excitedly. Tord hit the button and watched as the claw descended.

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