Chapter 7

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Silas's POV:

I couldn't lie, Ivy looked gorgeous but she wasn't my type. I get the door, for Chloe and go to get Ivy's. To be a gentleman yet she already had gotten herself out of the car, wow ok! We walk to the entrance as the butler greets us. God, I'm ready to get this thing over with.

"I'm going and get a drink" Ivy says to Chloe but Chloe looks at me giving signals. "You can't." I say as Chloe hangs on to my arm. "What why? I'm a grown woman I can get a drink!" She chuckles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because, you will make a bad impression on me, imagine my assistant being drunk anf acting out. That would be embarrassing." she goes silent and people stare at her. They probably are looking because they don't know her.

People here are so noisy, they need to mind their own business. Especially the men, they need to worry about their wife and children before trying to sleep with other woman.

"Honey, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick!" Chloe says loosing my arm and swifts away. Ivy is still very quiet, "Go" I say. "What?" she says looking up at me. "Go, get a drink" I ignore eye contact with her as she smiles and walks away, Chloe hasn't come back from the bathroom, interesting.

I pull out my phone as Ivy comes back yet she didn't get any wine, instead she got a glass of juice. Ivy is one interesting woman, I wonder if she even had fun or went to parties when she was younger. Never mind, I don't wonder that would be weird of me.

"Where is Chloe?" Ivy asks as she takes a sip of juice. "Mama! Papa!" We hear kids behind up and see a boy and girl running up to us. "Oh, their not mama and papa!" the girl says. "But your a v-very beautiful couple" the little boy says as he stumbles towards Ivy and he hugs her, she picks him up hugging him and puts him back down.

"We aren't-" I shush Ivy, then a woman comes running to us. "Oh my god where have you two been! Where is your father he is supposed to be watching you!" she says as she hugs her toddlers.

"Papa, is with another woman! So this couple was watching us!" the girl says, Ivy gives the mother her number in case anything else happens and the mother walks storming off to the father, I'm guessing.

Gosh where is Chloe.


This was a very VERY short chapter.
Because I am TEMPTED to go to the next!
You may think Chloe's a sweet girl but what will Ivy see when she goes to check in on Chloe?

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