Chapter 44

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"Ivy, your back!" Greco says taking his eyes off Eleanor. "I bet if Luke was here, you two would get along, but at the same time..he would probably kick your butt." I say smiling back at him and ignoring Silas's gaze on me. "Me and you definitely would get along, i'm Dante." the man who I call Greco, says as he holds out his hand.

Silas slaps his hand, "Don't even try touching my wife." he says coldly. "Where were you?" Silas says facing me. "The bathroom, I had to fix my lipstick." I say ignoring his gaze, again. Obviously I lied.

Fuck, the cramps are kicking in. I clear my throat, "I'm going to go home early today, since I don't feel good. It was nice meeting you two, invite me to the wedding." I smile and wink at them for the last part. "We sure will." Dante says, looking down at Eleanor who's face is in a shocked expression.

I start walking back to Silas's office to get my things but he stops me. "I have your stuff." he says, I was too hooked on ignoring him I didn't know he had our things.

I grab my purse out his hand and make my way to the elevator. "You can't keep ignoring me." he says getting into the elevator. "If I didn't say love you back, you can't force me." he sighs, Silas was right with that one. He puts one of his arms around my waist.

"Don't touch me," I say, feeling hot in this clothing. He pulls me closer, obviously he didn't know about my period and I didn't want to tell him. "I know it's hard to get well, rejected." he says moving his hand up and down my waist.

The elevator door opens and I speed walk out of there. The security guard gives me a disgusted look, what did I do to him?

I think Silas catches on because before I knew it, I hear a gun shot and a mans scream. But no one reacted, like they were used to seeing a security guard die.

"Let's go." Silas says grabbing my hand. "Why did you do that!" I say shocked. "Now you wanna talk, maybe I should shoot more people." he says opening my door and kind of pushing me into the car.

He shuts the door and storms off to his side. He grabs my chin. "Next time someone gives you a rude look, kick them in the nuts." he says before letting me go.

Driving back home was a nightmare! Everybody was honking and there was mad traffic, like where are we supposed to go people.


"Luke!" I speed walk to him and give him a side hug. "Side hug?" he asks. "I'm on that, time of the month.." I whisper, I think he catches on that Silas doesn't know. "Miss! I made you some soup," Gwen says. "Oh, sorry Gwen. I feel like eating chocolate right now.." I frown but she smiles and nods her head.

Silas looks at me confused but I run upstairs and strip out of my clothes, changing into baggier clothing. I run back downstairs, going to find Silas so he can take me to the store.

"Sorry miss, boss is in a meeting." a bodyguard says. "She's his wife, let her go." I hear Luke shout. "Oh my god, i'm sorry! I'm new here so I didn't know he was married!" he starts to panic and bow.

I laugh, "get up, there's no need to act like i'm royalty. Thanks Luke." I say, the 'bodyguard' was definitely in his teens. "What's all this shouting about?" I hear the door opens and Silas's voice. "I want to go to the store." I mumble. "I'm in a meeting, are you serious?" he says rudely.

Luke pulls him to the side and while I talk with the bodyguard I hear their conversation. "Are you dumb! Your wife is on that time of the month and your being a idiot? Remember when Diamond was on her periods and you bought her snacks, you weren't even married to her." I hear Luke say but he pauses until he starts again.

"Now you can't even be nice to your wife on her period, I don't care if this is an arranged marriage you have to be a husband!" he says before sighing. "So, that's how I go this job!" the bodyguard says smiling. I smile, "that's awesome!" I hate lying to innocent people.

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