Chapter 10

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All day, it was just papers after papers, meetings after meetings, and getting disrespected by Mr. Adam's. I ignored him, I had to just listen if I wanted to keep my job.

I sigh sitting down and looking at more papers. I rub my head with both hands, I reach for my phone but I look up seeing Maddison had it. "U-uh could you give it back please?" I ask her politely. "You made me get in trouble with the boss you little whore, I bet you think you can have him to yourself. But your wrong and now you will pay." She says as she drops my phone and stomps on it, mind you she has on heels.

I get up on the verge of crying. "Why would you do that!" I say shocked because I thought we were cool, I guess I was wrong. She laughs and leaves the office. I walk to Mr. Adam's office, "S..sir I want to go home early," I say holding in my tears waiting to get to the car to let it all out.

First my mom took my cat for no reason, now this! I mean she said it would make sense on why she did but everything isn't matching up. "No." He says darkly without looking at me.

"Are you being for real! I just got my phone stomped on by Maddison, and I work very hard for the time I am being here. Why can't you just let me go home?!" I feel hot tears running down my face as I wipe them away.

"Are you seriously crying over doing your job? You can get a new phone it isn't like your poor." He says looking up at me fixing his dark brown hair. "I'm leaving." I say turning my heels and walking to the door.

"I will talk to you tomorrow, so go ahead, non me interessa." I walk out of the door not caring what he says, tears fall down my face as I run down the stairs not wanting to wait for an elevator. (I don't care)


I get inside the house and shut the door taking deep breaths, I don't think I have the money for a new phone right now. I take my heels off and run upstairs to take a shower.

Once I get out the shower I slip into short pants and a crop top. I walk downstairs to get a cup of tea. The doorbell rings, I open the door and look, seeing Chloe there, crying. "Omg, whats wrong?" I say letting her come inside since it was raining.

"Do you know the guy that you caught me with, well his name is Dimitri, turns out he's 35 and apparently he's a mafia boss, but that isn't the problem. I caught him kissing another girl so I ran away from him." Omg, I told this girl not to be with him.

"And he sent people looking for me, anyways I heard you were crying and left early, you know your in big trouble right?" She says with a worried look. God, this is why Silas and Chloe is a good match, they are so bipolar.

"I really don't care, that Maddison girl smashed my phone and I was so over it!" I sigh as I pour tea into two cups. "Omg, that bitch I am going to beat her ass-" she says plotting a plan.

" I'm fine!" I say as I give her the cup of tea, "Okay, I'll contact Silas then. He has to listen to me" She says sipping the tea.


I park my car and pull down my red dress, this time I brought a light jacket. I get inside the office and everyone is gossiping. I go and sit down at my office and Penelope comes into the office, "Did you hear? Maddison got fired," she says smiling knowing what happened yesterday.

"Really?" I say shocked, who would she get fired by. "Yeah! Mr. Adam was very furious at her and fired her, he was so loud! The whole office could hear him, but anyways I got you papers and Mr. Adam wants to see you" she says smiling, handing me papers. Ugh, I am not ready to go to that office.

"Uh, you wanted to see me sir?" I say walking into the office fixing myself. "Yes." he says with a husky voice, "Sit" he says as an order, I felt I was in big trouble from the beginning. "You know why your here right?" He says and I nod my head. "You never speak to your boss again like that, understand?" I nod my head and bite my lip, I don't wanna get fired omg.

"use your words, fastidiosa" He says and I have no understanding of what he is saying, I stand up. "I am sorry sir" I say starting to walk back to the door. (annoying)

"Where are you going?" Mr. Adam says looking up. "To my office?" I say almost throwing attitude but I have to watch myself. "Nope, your not leaving my office today." he says writing down something on paper. "I need to get my things then!" I confidently talk opening the door.

"Get back in here, I will send someone to get your things. Today you will only leave my office when I say so." Is he being serious, He really can't trap me in here. Can he?

I go back to sit down but he gestures not to and go stand next to him. Penelope comes into his office with my things and I run up to her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say as I grab my things and she gives me a thumbs up nervously as she looks over my shoulder. I close the door for her with my heel, why was she so nervous?

I turn back around to see Mr. Adam looking at me, is that why she was nervous. I give a shy smile as he looks back down to his papers.

I set my coat down onto the chair and my back on the ground. I go back to the spot where I was standing in case Mr. Adam's needed me. He gets up and I almost stumble over. This man and his attitude. I back away as he goes to the door, "I am going and do something. Don't leave." He warns me, do I look like a dog to him?

I walk over to check on his papers and I knock down water on some, uh - oh. He's going to be mad! I try to dry the papers down with a tissue. It isn't drying! The door opens...

His best friend walks in, he has blond hair and blue eyes, and a handsome face! Omg, phew! "What happened over here?" He says walking up to the papers, "And whats your name? I am Luke!" he says putting out his hand, I refuse his hand. "I am Ivy!" I say with a nervous smile.

"Silas is going to come back any minute now from one of his stupid make outs with some ugly whore, I will stay in here to tell him I did this. Just get up from his seat before he suspects anything!" He says as I get up and stand next to him, fidgeting with my hands.

The door opens and Mr. Adam comes in fixing his tie. He looks over at me and the wet papers. "What did you do! I left you in here for 10 minutes!" He says angry walking over to me about to grab my arm, I flinch. "Silas, stop." Luke says trying to calm him down. "Why would I, she has ruined my papers!" he says trying to get past Luke, Luke was like an inch shorter than Mr. Adam but they both were muscular. "It wasn't her, it was me." Luke says keeping a straight face.

"Are you sure?" He calms down, sighing. "sì, sono sicuro quindi calmati" Luke says, I am guessing he is a italian. I wish I understood what they were saying it's so not fair! (Yes, I'm sure so calm yourself down)

"Ok, perché se menti lei si mette nei guai" Mr. Adam's speaks also in italian, he then looks at me and I look away still feeling his eyes on me, I cross my arms holding myself, Omg I could have gotten fired just now, I am never touching his things again. (Ok, because if your lying shes getting in trouble)

"Why are you here anyways?" Mr. Adam asks Luke, "Ho ucciso il signor Jones!" Luke says and Mr. Adam smirks. "I hope you made him suffer!" Mr. Adam says as he goes to sit down, I feel his eyes staring at me from behind. (I killed Mr. Jones)

"I sure did, I beat him so bad till his death, then shot him." Luke says as he takes out his gun, I..i was in a room with a murderer! "Good, I killed that jackass that tried coming into my house" Mr. Adam says as he looks down at his papers, not 1 murderers but 2!

I felt sick, "W-what are you guys!" I say out loud but I thought I said that in my head! "Billionaires, of course!" Luke says as he smiles!

"I thought you were just billionaires?" I mutter, I was super shocked. "We are, but our fathers trained us to have guns because they are mafia bosses, we will take over soon, well Silas has already taken over," Luke says as he walks towards the door, waving goodbye.

I plop down in the chair. Was I really so dumb that I didn't know they were mafia bosses. I should have known from the start, seeing they had a gun. That meant my father knew Mr. Adam's father was a mafia leader.


End of this chapter! How does it feel to find out they are
mafia bosses & billionaires?

I like it but I don't know if you guys will. But anyways enjoy the next chapter! You can think of them as billionaires with
guns like how Luke stated it.

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