Chapter 33

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Stella gave me a worried look, what bad can he do to me?

"Did you just slap me?" he says as he gets angrier. "You are hurting her, your hurting your wife! A real man wouldn't do that!" I stand up shouting.

"I am a real man! I provided for my family throughout all these years, even though I didn't want this family! I didn't want Stella to get my last name." he shouts. "A real man wouldn't cheat on their wife, it doesn't matter if your in love or not!" I yell back at him.

Stella stands in between us, "You guys calm down.." she says silently. Antonio was about to say something but she puts a hand over his lips. "Antonio, rilassati. Ma, Ivy aveva ragione, mi stavi ferendo e mi hai spezzato il cuore quando hai tradito..." she says and he pauses. (Anthony, relax. But Ivy is right, you were hurting me and you broke my heart when you cheated..)

"Now both of you need to apologize." she says sitting down. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I say trying to be the mature one in this conversation. " also sorry." he says while looking at Stella.

"Not to me, to Ivy." Stella says turning her head to face me. "I said sorry, i'm not saying it again." he says leaning against the wall.

"Tell her sorry!" Stella shouts, wow I never heard her actually yell at someone. "Hai dimenticato con chi stai parlando? Hai dimenticato che sono un boss mafioso?" he says going to her and grabbing her chin. (Did you forget who your talking to? Did you forget I am a mafia boss?)

"Sono tua moglie e la madre dei tuoi figli. Sono il tuo partner, non puoi uccidermi.." She says and I can see she's worried. "That's it, i'm done with this mouth of yours." he says grabbing her arm and taking her into his arms. (I am your wife, and the mother of your kids. I am your partner, you can't kill me.)

"Ivy, we will be taking our leave, we need to take care of important business.." he says while whispering in her ear and looking at me. "No, I won't let you have me today, or be in control, I am tired too!" she says trying to get out his embrace.

"We are leaving, end of discussion!" he shouts, I watch as Stella tries to escape his embrace but she gives up. I frown knowing I can't do anything, Silas will get mad at me.

I am stuck in this stupid family!

God, please don't let me get their last names, for real! My poor last name is going to be trashed for a toxic one.

"Let me say bye to my kids." Stella says and he finally let's her go. She shouts bye to Lucia and Silas. They shout back bye! to her.

That's when Antonio and Stella take their leave. God, he's so problematic! I walk over to the living room and find Lucia on the couch, wasn't she just upstairs?

"Hey," I wave taking a seat next to her. She waves back as her face was stuffed with popcorn.

"Fottuti idioti!" Silas says coming into the living room and plops down onto the one seater couch. (Fucking jerks!)

"What happened ?" Lucia says pausing the T.V. "The polish mafia are trying to get money from us, i'm not giving them shit!" he shouts crossing his arms.

"You don't have to worry about them, papà lo avrà coperto. Inoltre il tuo matrimonio è domani, devi calmarti." she says winking, unpausing the T.V. Silas looks at me and then manspreads. (dad will have it covered. Plus your wedding is tomorrow you need to calm down.)

I ignore it and look back at the T.V. "You never watched 'shameless'?" I ask. "This is my 4th time watching what do you mean!" she smiles nudging my arm. I grin and take a piece of the popcorn looking back at Silas who was still staring at me.


I sit on the couch and open my book, it was one of the books I bought at barnes and nobles. It was currently.. 12:00? I couldn't sleep and Silas had went out. Lucia is also awake, currently eating ice cream in her room.

Right when I am about to start reading I hear the door open and footsteps come into the living room, Silas.

He plops down on the couch and puts his hand onto his forehead. "What's her name?" I say noticing the scent of perfume. "Their is no her. If your talking about that girl I was texting today, her name is Layla. I met her today but we did nothing." he whispers.

I nod, "She has a boyfriend, I have a wife. I am not disloyal..and I certainly don't need her, she can't be you." he continues.

"Your just saying that because your drunk." I sigh closing my book. "I am not drunk, or else I wouldn't be able to drive home. Layla doesn't have the nerve to put me in my place nor does she have the kindness you do." he says sitting up.

My eyes widen and I hear a awe, I look to the hallway and watch as Charlie and Lucia both have on excited faces. When they both say awe, they glance at each other and laugh.

Aww, why do I feel like Charlie and Lucia should actually be together. God, that sounded weird anyways.

Silas looks at them and gets up. He walks past them and heads for the staircase.

Me and Lucia give each other a confused look. I place my book down and follow him upstairs. When I get to my room, I open it to find him unbuttoning his shirt. "Why'd you leave?" I ask, sitting down on the bed.

"They ruined the mood." he says in a tired tone. I nod, knowing they didn't but I didn't want to deal with a mad Silas right now. "Where are we going on our honeymoon?" I ask and he turns around, throwing his shirt in his laundry basket.

"We are taking my private jet to go to Bora Bora." he casually says and my eyes widen. "I also got us our room, it's right by the water and big." he says unbuttoning his pants. I cover my eyes, but I am really happy we're going to bora bora.

It has always been a place I wanted to visit. "You don't have to close your eyes, I am your husband." he says as I feel someone's presence in front of me. Right then, my hands are being pulled away from my face but Silas had put new clothes on, phew.

"Well, I don't want to see you naked." I say taking my hands out of his. He frowns, why is he frowning?

Silas hops onto the bed and we both lay down, pulling the covers onto us.

Surprisingly, he pulls me into his arms, resting his head on my chest. "Let me stay like this.." he mumbles, falling asleep.


Thoughts on this chapter? Their wedding is next chapter who's excited🥳.

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