Chapter 20

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"Allie!" I knock on her room door, she opens it. "Yes miss, oops I mean Ivy!" she laughs nervously.

"Call me, whatever you want as long as your comfortable. Anyways I had come here to thank your for the dress and the uh, underwear. I brought you something to wear!" I say handing her a pretty lavender purple dress.

 I brought you something to wear!" I say handing her a pretty lavender purple dress

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(just dress)

"I can't wear that! I may get in trouble." she says gasping when I pulled it out of the bag. "Of course you can! Your my maid silly, no one else's!" I say pushing the dress in her arms. "Now go try it on!" I smile, she closes the door and I stand outside waiting.

I hear talking and see Luke, Silas and their men come out of the meeting room. Silas stops in his tracks and looks me up and down. Just then, Allie comes out. "How do I look?" she says nervously not noticing them.

"You look so beautiful, definitely will grab all the men's attention!" I say trying to hint to Luke that he better shoot his shot before someone else grabs her. Silas, and Luke's men start talking, and thats when she notices everyone is there.

"Oh!" Allie goes behind my back and I laugh. "You don't have to hide, they won't bite! If they try anything I will handle it." I say grabbing her hand.

Lukes gaze darkens on Allie, "Well, looks like you ladies are ready for the party!" He says as Silas punched his arm to get him out his gaze. I nod my head and Silas makes eye contact with me, his eyes emotionless.

"Can I talk to you?" he says and I nod my head waving bye to Allie, I feel bad leaving her with Luke. Since I know how she gets, her face looked red when she jumped behind me.

"What are you doing?" Silas asks as we walk into a very quiet hallway. "What do you mean? Can't my maid have a little fun in her life?" I whisper so no one could hear us really.

"It sounds like you exactly know what I am talking about! You have only been living here for 1-2 weeks, and your getting way more comfortable than you should be!" he raises his voice. "Are you seriously doing this on the day of our engagement party! I am not doing anything bad, why can't you be nice!" I stand up straight, his gaze was hard.

"I don't trust you!" he shouts, I gulp stepping back. "Fine." I say before walking back to Allie's room. I find her and Luke talking. She laughs nervously, I tug on her dress with my head down. "Ivy, whats wrong?" Luke asks grabbing my arm.

I don't answer, Allie gets what I am hinting. "Let me talk to her, please?" Allie says to Luke and he sighs nodding his head. We walk to the room, locking the door. "Miss, look at me." Allie says rubbing my head. I feel tears run down my face more than it was before.

I look up at her and she makes an "aww" face. "Allie, I can't handle this anymore." I wipe my tears as they keep falling, she hugs me and I rest my head on her shoulder. "Let it all out, Ivy. I am here!" she says as she rubs my back.

"I can't take this anymore. I can't handle him anymore. We were just fine this morning, yet he always has an attitude on him and looks at me with cold, emotionless eyes. I don't know why my father wanted me to marry him!" I sob, Allie wipes my tears.

"Listen Ivy, you are a strong, beautiful lady! And you are going to rule tonight, stand up straight and you WILL rock everybody's ass today!" she says with a big smile. I laugh as she wipes my tears away. "Now come let me do your makeup, your tears ruined it!" she says getting the makeup bag.

"Thank you, Allie, also you have no makeup on so I have to do yours to!" I say as she applies a little blush on my cheeks and does my lips, adding a light brown eyeshadow to my eyes with a little glitter. I snatch the makeup from her and does a natural look on her.

"We look amazing!" Allie says as we look in the mirror. I put on my heels and she puts on golden platform heels. I unlock the door and open it to see Luke and Silas standing in new suits, looking like they are waiting for something.

They turn to us and I swear I see Luke almost smiling by looking at Allie, cute.

Silas comes to me and slides his arm into mine, I try to keep my distance. "Act like we actually like each other, okay?" He whispers into my ear as annoyance drips from his voice. What was he annoyed about, himself?

"God, speak for once!" he sounded frustrated, we walks down the staircase. Allie and Luke were in front of us. "Sorry.." I sigh as we make our way to the backyard door. I put on a smile and Silas puts on a little one.

The doors open and I breathe in the fresh air as we go outside. I look around to see lots of people. Silas lets go of my arm to go to a group of men. I spot my family and speed walk over to them. "Oh my god Eli, I didn't know you would be here!" I say pulling him into a hug. "Mom, you look beautiful! Dad!" I pull them into a hug too. I haven't felt myself so happy and laid back in a while.

"Miss, he's looking hardly at you, especially when you hugged your brother." Allie whispers into my ear. "I don't care, I am just hugging my brother it shouldn't be a big deal!" I say putting on a bigger smile. She laughs and introduces herself to my family.

"Who are they?" I find Luke grabbing my shoulder. "Oh these are my parents and my little brother!" I introduce Luke to them, he smiles. He starts walking, "Where are you going?" I ask since he still had his arm around my shoulder like I am one of his bro's as he calls them.

"To your fiancé, duh." he says as we get closer. "Oh, no I can't! We aren't on good terms, Luke!" I try fighting back but he pushes me to Silas. Your dead! I mouth as Luke stands behind a man Silas is talking to to, love you too! He mouths back, I feel Silas put his arm around my waist.


What do you guys think about this chapter? Silas is a big dick or not!? Enjoy❣️!

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