Chapter 1

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One two three four five... stop.

The guard was facing the door.

1.5 minutes later, it started again.

One two three four five... stop.

The guard was now down the hall.

Kye sucked in a breath as he climbed out of the rock-hard bed; ten more steps, then he'd be free. Fourteen years stuck in this hell, 14 years with no love, 14 years of pain. Kyle inched closer to the door as he listened to the steps. The person had enhanced strength; Kyle could tell by the steps. That was good, enhanced speed, and he'd be screwed. But Kyle knew it wouldn't be enhanced speed. He remembered the guard's schedule.

One two three four five... stop.

Kyle placed his hand on the unlocked doorknob, holding his breath.

One two three four five... stop.

Kyle opened the door as quietly as he could.

Kyle knew that the doors were designed to beep every time it was opened. That's why he began to bolt down the hallways over the laboratory.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Kyle heard the guard yell at him and began to chase. Kyle planned this escape for months, years. He couldn't get caught. He wanted to know so badly what the sun felt like, what real grass smelt like, what good food tasted like; he wanted a world without constant experiments and needles. Kyle picked up the pace and heard the guard yell into his walkie-talkie. Two sets of footsteps, his and the guards, turned in to 5, then 10. Kyle turned the corner and screamed as a speed-enhanced guard ran right next to him. They reached out, grabbing his white jacket, but Kyle let it fly off of himself and kept running. Under the coat were bandages on top of bandages all wrapped around his arms. The ginger made his way down the stairs as quickly as possible; guards who tried to catch him were pushed and punched out of the way. Kyle was almost there... he was almost there! Quickly picking up a chair near the entrance, Kyle threw it at the door, it opened a crack, but it was enough for Kyle to make it out.

A cold white powder hit Kyle's sock-covered feet as he ran out of the building, the steps following behind him non-stopping. "He's near the gate open fire!" Kyle felt tears fill his eyes. He was outside, close to being free, and didn't want to die. Gunshots filled his ears, and he could feel them whizzing past him. Kyle jumped and climbed up the fence, dropping down into the snow. He staggered, getting up; the shots kept coming, and footsteps were getting closer. Kyle had no more time to wait; the redhead had to go. He picked himself up and began taking off into the woods. A bullet grazed his arm and Kyle hissed; branches and bushes were already slicing his skin but fuck, that hurt. Kyle didn't know how far he had run, but his muscles were aching, his chest was sore, and he felt dizzy. Suddenly added to the sound of gunshots, footsteps, shouting, and branches was the sound of dogs barking, viscous, foaming-mouthed, rabies-infected dogs. Kyle knows this because he saw a kid four years ago get jumped by the same dogs before getting shot. Fear fueled his aching body.

Finally, Kyle saw a town and heard what he could only assume were cars. Kyle smiled; he was going to be free. He jumped another fence but landed wrong, but now instead of snow, it was hard concrete. Kyle groaned loudly. His body was sore. Kyle outstretched his hand, trying to crawl away from the danger inching closer with each second. "Help..." Kyle whispered but suddenly, a hand grabbed his hair harshly. The ginger screamed in pain, and the guard slammed him into the wall.

"Hello? Is anyone in here? I heard a scream!" A boy with dark hair and blue eyes entered the alleyway, and Kyle's eyes widened in surprise. He was so... Kyle didn't know how to describe it, but he was something. The guard, in shock, loosened his grip on Kyle, and the ginger dashed the raven-haired man. The man gasped in surprise as Kyle clung to his body desperately, blood dripping onto his brown shirt. "Sir, please back away from the ginger-haired man. He's extremely dangerous!" The guard that had lost Kyle yelled, and the raven-hair just about shoved Kyle off of him and took off. Still, there was something in his eyes, the way he was shaking and bleeding ; the poor male looked like he was on the verge of breaking down. It reminded him of a frail, injured animal. Suddenly Kyle's lips parted, his voice wavering on his tongue as he spoke.

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