Chapter 24

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The sun had barely risen over the mountains when everyone took place in the Marsh's living room. It was the last stretch, and everyone was busy ensuring they had everything they needed to succeed.

"You prepared?" Craig asked, walking over to the redhead. Stan watched as Kyle's curls bounced while he nodded. They were sticking close to each other, unaware of what would happen next. Craig looked over Stan's shoulder and onto his laptop. The Peruvian man hummed and called out to Tweek, leaving the two to themselves.

Stan ran a hand through his hair as he stared at Kyle. The redhead wouldn't look at him, and it scared him.


"Kyle..." Stan started, but the words died on his tongue when Tweek called out that Kyle was online. Panic filled Stan's body as Kyle stood up. No, not yet. He needed more time, so much more time. But there was none because now...

The plan was about to be in motion.

"Kyle! Promise me you'll be safe...!" Ike yawned tiredly; the boy was determined to be there for his brother's departure. Kyle gave his best smile and nodded, wrapping the Canadian in a hug. Ike sniffed when he pulled away, watching as Kyle made his way to the door.

"Remember, keep going straight," Craig said, watching the redhead's moves. Kyle nodded again, turning the doorknob when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Kyle, please come back."

The words were lower than a whisper, yet they made Kyle turn around. Stan had a sad but confident smile as he looked at the redhead. Kyle parted his lips, but no words came out. Looking back at everyone in the room; Tweek, Craig, Mrs. Sharon, Ike, Tricia, Karen, and Stan, he nodded. Kyle was determined to come back. If not for himself, then for them.

"I will," Kyle whispered before heading out the door. Keep going straight, keep going.

Stan watched Kyle disappear between the trees and sighed. This was it.

"Alright, everyone, back to where you need to be. We need to watch for anything happening at all." Stan said, moving to his laptop. Everyone followed, monitoring Kyle with eagle eyes as he walked.

Two trackers were given to them by the police station; one oral and one with sound. The first was placed on the back of his tooth, while the other was placed under his bandages. Stan listened to Kyle encourage himself to keep going, telling himself to sit when tired and humming tunes to different songs. It made Stan feel better knowing Kyle was safe; despite the muffled audio, it was alleviating.

Back in the forest, Kyle had been walking for three or four hours, taking breaks in between. He missed being with everyone already; he hated being alone more than anything. He was resting on a fallen tree branch; his feet were sore, and his legs felt weak.

"Well, well, well. Doesn't this remind you of something? You disgusting piece of filth." A voice said, interrupting Kyle's break and making the redhead jump to his feet.

"Cartman..." Kyle mumbled under his breath, watching the larger man's every move. Cartman walked closer to him, a sick smirk on his face.

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