Chapter 18

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Kyle stared ahead with a dull look on his face. Why was this up to him?

"Stan..." Kyle croaked as he struggled to stand. The blue-eyed male looked at Kyle with tears in his eyes. It was obvious Stan didn't want Sparky to die. "I can just go with him. You can save Sparky..."

"Sparky... come here boy..." Stan said as tears filled his eyes. The dog's ear perked up slowly, and his tail barely wagged. Whines of pain left the dog's mouth as he struggled to get up. Sparky managed to make it halfway, each step shorter than the last. He looked up at Stan, his tail wagging faster, just barely. "It's okay, boy, it's okay. You don't have to get up." Stan choked out as he moved closer to his best friend for so many years.

Stan sat in front of Sparky, lifting the mix-breed into his arms and holding him gently. "You did so good, bud. From my fearless furry companion to being my movie buddy. You're my best friend; I love you so much, Spark." Stan sobbed as he held the dog closer. Sparky whined into his owner's side, and Stan sniffed. "It's okay, boy. You're my good boy. It's alright... go to sleep now, okay? You can sleep now... I'll be alright, I promise. I love you."

Stan scratched behind Sparky's ears, holding him closer until, finally, Sparky's tail went still.

Stan hugged Sparky as he heard his dog's final breath in his ears and tried to force the tears back; he couldn't cry... Not in front of the evil and vile man. Stan refused too.

"Look what you did, Kyle. He loves you so much, and you killed his mutt. Welp, that's depressing for you. Let's go, Kyle." Cartman cackled as he moved closer to Kyle, but there was this... look in Kyle's green eyes as he stared at Stan's crying form on the ground. Anger, hatred, disgust, and sorrow filled his entire being as he turned to look at Cartman.

"You bastard...! How could you?! He's done nothing to anyone! Why would you do this to him?!"

"You, of all people, should know that the world is not fair, Kyle. Stop whining and let's go, or I'll kill him too.

"No, you won't!"

"Kyle... let's get out of here...." Stan said as he shakily stood to his feet and held Sparky close to his chest. Cartman let out a scoff and pulled out his dart gun. The blue-eyed male froze as the gun was pointed directly at his neck.

"You actually thought I would let you go?! That's the funniest shit I've heard all day."

"Why can't you just leave us alone?!"

"Because it's too much fun torturing him!" Catman said as he pointed in the spot Kyle was in, now empty, "What the? Where did he go?! I spent all this time trying to find him, and he's just gone?! He left you?!"


"Well, doesn't matter. Sorry about this, buddy. It didn't have to be this way." Cartman said as he lifted his arm again.

"NO!" Kyle yelled as he ran behind Cartman and hit him with a larch branch. Upon impact against Cartman's back, the branch snapped in half. Kyle panted angrily as the large man fell to the ground.

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now